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BFF's Page 13

  We backed away from each other. I invited her to come in and follow me. I went into my studio to finish painting, and she sat on one of the stools watching me.

  “By the look in your eyes,” I said, “I can tell there has been a lot going on. I’m all ears, so tell me what’s been up.”

  Kayla told me about the situation with her family, and then she told me about Evelyn. I just shook my head, but deep down I knew the real reason why Evelyn had been acting funny. She had been fucking around with Cedric and she was also pregnant with his child. I wanted so badly to tell Kayla the truth, but she was already on the brink of losing it. I didn’t want to cause her more pain. I felt horrible about not saying anything, and there I was—again—feeling as if I was betraying her. Thing is, I wasn’t sure if it was my place to say anything. I didn’t want to be the one to open up another can of worms, and I thought about what this would do to my friendship with Evelyn. We still got along well, but there was no secret that Kayla and I were closer. It had been that way for quite some time, only because Kayla had always been there for me, way more than Evelyn had been.

  “So, that about sums up my drama,” Kayla said. “And with that, I need a place to stay. I won’t wear out my welcome and I will do my best to be out of here in a few weeks, no later than a month.”

  “It doesn’t matter how long you stay. You’re welcome to my guest room. But I have to say this to you, and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable about this. My life goes on over here. I have several lady friends who come to see me from time to time and I’m not going to change my situation because you don’t approve of it.”

  “Look. You do you and don’t worry about how I feel. I doubt that I ever will approve, but so what, Trina. It has a lot to do about how I was raised and I can’t change my way of thinking overnight.”

  “I get that and it’s cool. All I ask is that you refrain from any negativity about my situation while you’re here and please do not insult my guests. It’s already hard enough being me. The last thing I need is a friend who constantly judges me.”

  Kayla told me that she understood. She went to her car to get her luggage and when she came back in she put her luggage in the guest room. She watched me paint for a while and complimented the work I had done.

  “You have some serious talent,” she said. “I’m surprised you don’t have your own studio. You really should try to open up a store or something.”

  “What do you think I’ve been trying to do? It’s kind of hard when you don’t have money to do those things. If I had your money, I could’ve made big things happen by now.”

  Kayla dropped her head and looked down at the floor. “Tell me something, Trina. Have I been a good friend to you? Do you think I helped you enough, considering all of the money I was sitting on?”

  I put my paintbrush down and wiped my dirty hands on my sweats. “Our friendship hasn’t been all about what you can do for me, but it has been about what we can do for each other. It’s my responsibility to make things happen for myself, not yours. There are times when I wanted to ask you for the money to help me get my business started, but this is something that I want to do for myself. If you had offered, of course I would have taken the money, but I’m glad you never did.”

  Kayla got up from the chair and walked over to the window to look out. “If the shoe was on the other foot, I would’ve wanted you to help me. I mean, that’s what friends are for too, and it’s kind of like a blessing that I could have passed on to others. Maybe that’s why I’m in the situation I’m in right now. You have to admit that I’ve been a little selfish. Maybe that’s why Evelyn has her issues with me, and I can honestly say that I kind of get her coldness at times.”

  “Okay. So you are a little selfish, but we do have to take responsibility for our own lives. I said it and now you know. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to get out of here and go get something to eat. I’m starving and I’m not going to stay cooped up in here all night.”

  “Food, here we come,” Kayla said.

  Before we left, I called Lexi to see if she would meet us at Louie’s in the Central West End. Kayla called to see if she could reach Jacoby. A sad expression was on her face and she told me that his number had been disconnected.

  “I’m going to drive by the house to see if he’s there,” she said. “Afterward, I’ll meet you at the restaurant, okay?”

  “That’s fine. Be careful and don’t push so hard, Kayla. Eventually, he’ll come around.”

  “I hope so.”

  Kayla left in her car and I got in mine, heading to the Central West End. It was warm outside, so I wore a pair of baggy jeans shorts and a half top that showed my midriff and tattoos. The shorts hung low enough where my belly ring showed and my preppy tennis shoes provided a casual look I was trying to accomplish. When I got to Louie’s, I was seated at a booth in the far corner. It was packed and the music in the background was rocking. Flat-screen TV’s were mounted on the walls and several people were there to watch the basketball play-offs.

  I sat for at least thirty minutes, wondering where Lexi and Kayla were. But when I looked up and saw Keith, I put the menu up to cover my face. Unfortunately, he spotted me before I could hide myself.

  “Trina, is that you?” he asked as he walked up to me with one of his friends next to him.

  I lowered the menu and smiled. “Hey, Keith. What’s up?”

  “Nothing much. This is my boy, Dane. Dane, this is Trina. The amazing, beautiful woman I was telling you about.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Dane said, extending his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here.”

  “So . . . uh . . . are you here with someone?” Keith asked.

  “A couple of my girlfriends will be here shortly—and as a matter of fact, here comes one now.”

  I saw Kayla coming my way. It didn’t appear that she had any luck with Jacoby. I introduced her again to Keith then to Dane.

  “Hello,” she said, keeping it short, and then she took a seat next to me. “Why don’t the two of you join us? I’m sure we can all fit in this booth, can’t we?”

  I didn’t necessarily approve of Kayla asking them to sit with us and I wasn’t so sure how Lexi would feel about it. Either way, they sat at the booth with us and everybody started ordering drinks and food. Minutes later, Lexi strutted in. She had a thing where she always wanted me to herself, so she was surprised to see the others sitting at the booth with us. I introduced her to everyone. Keith and Dane didn’t know what was up, but Kayla appeared to be uncomfortable.

  “I want to sit next to Trina,” Lexi said.

  In order for that to happen, Kayla had to move. She looked at me and I didn’t say one word. In an effort not to make a scene, I hoped she would just get up and allow Lexi to sit where she wished. Thankfully, Kayla did.

  “I’m sorry I’m so late, but I got held up at the nail shop. Trina, do you like my nails?”

  “They’re nice. Real nice, but why don’t you go ahead and order your food? Everyone else has already ordered theirs.”

  Lexi picked up the menu, looking at it. Dane and Keith were talking and checking out the game and Kayla sat on the end stiff as a board. She kept looking around the restaurant at several gay people, and her eyes bugged when she saw two men kissing. Her nose winced at two ladies who stood by the bar with their hands in each other’s pockets, but I did notice her smile at a man who waved at her from afar. When he walked away, she was back to looking stiff. Her arms were so tight against her and she made sure that Lexi didn’t touch her. Lexi gave the waitress her order and then passed her the menu. As we all began to talk, Lexi placed her hand on my leg and started to rub it.

  “I can’t believe I finally met you,” Dane said to me. “All my boy ever talk about is you. You got this fool feeling some kind of way about you.”

  Kayla smiled, but Lexi narrowed her eyes then rolled them. She squeezed my thigh then took my hand and put in on her lap. From underneath the table, she inched
my hand up her skirt, trying to get me to feel her hot spot. I saw Kayla observing from the corner of her eye. She then picked up the glass of water in front of her, gulping it down.

  “Yeah, Keith and I are good friends,” I stressed. “It’s good to know that he still has nice things to say about me.”

  “Always,” Keith said, putting his cute dimples on display. “But I’m not letting you get away from me tonight. So you may have to say bye-bye to your girlfriends and come spend some quiet time with me.”

  Lexi pinched my thigh real hard and snapped her head to look at me. I mean, What in the hell did she want me to say? I wasn’t about to put my business out there tonight, so I ignored her gestures that were very annoying; so annoying that Kayla stood up and tucked her purse underneath her arm.

  “I’m not hungry anymore,” she said. “I need some fresh air and I think I’m going to get out of here and go home. It was nice meeting you all. Trina, can I have the keys to your apartment? I will see you later.”

  I gave Kayla the keys and she walked off. Lexi questioned why Trina was going to my apartment and, not satisfied with my answer, she pouted. Keith kept pursuing me and Lexi was upset that I hadn’t told him to back off.

  “You invited me here,” she said with an attitude. “But it’s obvious that you don’t have time for me tonight.”

  Lexi stormed off, leaving me in a position where I had to explain my silly friends. “I apologize, but I have friends who demand my attention. Don’t take them walking out like that personal. I’m sure I’ll catch up with them later.”

  Keith and Dane looked at each other then shrugged. They continued to watch the game and get their drink on. I did as well. I had a good time with the fellas and when we got ready to go, Keith reminded me about his invitation.

  “Just for an hour or so,” he pleaded. “I live nearby and you don’t have to travel far.”

  I kept telling myself that I didn’t want to be alone with Keith, but I also didn’t want to go home and face Kayla, nor did I want to hear Lexi gripe about tonight. Therefore, I decided to take Keith up on his offer. Dane left in his car and I followed Keith to his house.

  It was an old, historic house that had been remodeled in the inside. I loved how spacious it was and the old wooden staircase and the stained-glass windows revealed the real history behind the house. Keith showed me around, leaving me in awe. The ceilings were very high, and every single room had an old fireplace that Keith said dated back to the early 1900s.

  “When I updated the place there were some things that I didn’t want to change. There’s a lot of history in the house and I’ve even been told that there are ghosts living here.”

  “Yeah right,” I said, walking closely behind him. “I find it hard to believe that you live here all alone.”

  “My grandparents used to live here, but when they died they left the place to me. I had a roommate a while back, but he started stealing shit so I had to put him out. Ever since then, I’ve stayed here by myself. I’m hoping to one day raise a family up in here . . . have a wife and some kids, and do that happily-ever-after stuff.”

  Well, he was barking up the wrong tree with me. I didn’t want any children and I surely wasn’t trying to be nobody’s wife. I kept my mouth shut, until he walked me into another spacious room on the third floor that was his studio. His beautiful artwork was all over the room. I was left breathless. I only wished that I had a place like this to do my work.

  “Believe it or not,” he said, “this used to be a ballroom. You see how high the ceiling is?”

  I nodded and gazed up at the cathedral ceiling that was painted gold. Crown molding surrounded the room and the silk curtains that draped the windows made this one classy room.

  “I can picture a ballroom being in here. And with all of this space you must be in heaven. Why do you even need the space at work?”

  “I just go there when I get sick of being in here. It can get kind of boring at times, and it does me good to get out.”

  Keith began to show me some of his paintings, and he also showed me some of the invoices he’d gotten from orders. I wished I had it going on like him. Dude was straight-up making a for-real living off of his talents.

  “I’ll be glad when I get to your level. I mean, my work is good too, you know?”

  “Very good,” he complimented. “I’ve seen a lot of it, but it’s nowhere near better than mine.”

  We laughed, and I had to admit that he was way more skilled than I was. I began to look through more of his paintings and as I browsed the room, he dimmed the lights. I turned around and Keith walked up to me. He eased his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer to his. Needless to say, I was real nervous because in that moment, I was forced to admit that I had some feelings for him.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to get you alone like this?” he asked.

  “I do, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for this right now.”

  “Why not?”

  I looked into his eyes that were so sexy and luring. “Because, I’m so unsure about a lot of things.”

  “I can tell and I have an idea what things you’re speaking of. Just give me a chance, and whichever way you decide to swing with this relationship is fine with me.”

  I released a deep breath that caused my breasts to rise against his chest. He leaned in to kiss me and the moment our lips touched I was eager to get out of my clothes. I started to remove my shorts, but Keith stopped me by touching my hand.

  “Wait a minute. I want to do this right. Give me a minute.”

  Keith walked away then pulled an old-fashioned, velvet-covered chair that I’d seen in one of his paintings, to the middle of the floor. He kept his eyes on me as he removed his clothes then he sat in the chair. On display was the beauty of his nakedness and those colorful tats that made him look like a work of art sitting there. I watched his dick grow from six inches to about a strong eleven. I was impressed.

  “Okay, now it’s your turn. But remove your clothes in an artistic way while I sit here and stroke my brush.”

  Keith held his dick and began to slow-stroke it with his hands. I wasn’t sure how artistic I could get with removing my clothes, but I did so by going real slow and creating a small pile beside me. Keith’s eyes were locked on my small breasts and then the direction of his eyes lowered to my shaved pussy that was already leaking. I rubbed my hands all over my naked body, and when I turned around he had a view of my picture-perfect ass that I was proud of. I squeezed my ass cheeks then I bent far over to entice him even more. With my head dropped, I looked between my legs. Keith gestured his finger in a come-here motion.

  “Now all you have to do is back up to me. Don’t turn around just yet.”

  I backed up and as he held his dick straight up, I held onto the arms of the chair and eased down on his hard muscle. It put a large gab between my pussy lips and I certainly could not take it all in at once. I worked with the tip first and as my insides moistened more, I was able to glide up and down on Keith’s muscle with ease. He planted soft, delicate kisses against my back and stroked me at a smooth pace that made me hear music in my head, even though there was none.

  “Now tell me,” he whispered between the kisses he planted on my back, “how does that feel?”

  I shut my eyes and poked out my breasts to form an arch in my back. I slowly grinded my hips to the music playing in my head, yet was unable to spill my guts and tell him how him being inside of me made me feel.

  He lifted his hands to squeeze my breasts and with his lips, hands and muscle in action at the same time, I couldn’t hold back my inner thoughts much longer. I revealed them in a soft whisper. “You feel damn good, Keith. Too good.”

  “So do you.”

  He released his hands from my breasts and lowered his fingers to my clitoris. He swiped it delicately like a paintbrush and the vibrations of his fingers caused me to gasp and widen my eyes. I squeezed his wrist, trying to calm the intensity of how he was making my
whole body quiver.

  “Let it go, baby,” he said. “Get it all out and don’t hold back on me.”

  I let the deep breath that I was holding escape from my mouth and released my hand from his wrist. His fingers moved faster over my clit and his tool was so far up in me that it brushed against every inch of my walls. Seconds later a flood of my juices drenched his vibrating fingers. I cried out “Keeeeeith” and bent over to drop my face in my hand. My emotions ran high because I didn’t want this to feel so spectacular. I told myself that a man wasn’t capable of pleasing me, but there I was, wanting more of Keith. I wanted him to stay inside of me, and when he lifted me up by my waist and tried to pull out of me I rejected his move.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “Stay there. I’m not finished.”

  “Neither am I.”

  Keith stood me up straight and got behind me. He turned me around and sat me in the chair. He then spread my legs, placing each of them on the arms of the chair. With my pussy in his view, he kneeled between my legs and leaned in to suck my breasts. His mouth was massaging them so well that the arch in my back formed again. I could feel heat from my mouth that stayed open, to the tips of my toes that were curled. Keith continued to massage my breasts, but now with his hands. A trail of his kisses flowed down my stomach, into my pieced navel, and landed right at my pussy. He pressed his thick lips against mine and used the tip of his curled tongue to separate my slit. With ease, he brushed again and again.

  With a little force from his tongue, he sucked and fucked me to a new level. With his vibrations, he broke me down and made me cum all over his handsome face. I squirmed in the chair, causing it to tilt backward, but then Keith caught me. He lifted me and secured my legs around his waist. I loved a strong man and that he was. Eager to feel him, I was the one to put him back inside of me. But all he did was stand still and hold me up. He searched into my eyes that were filled with many questions that only I could answer.

  “What?” he said. “Tell me what’s wrong.”