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Full Figured Page 15

  The lady smiled at both of us. “I’m sure the two of you will have a beautiful baby. Do you know what it is?”

  “No,” I said. “Not yet.”

  “Please,” Roc intervened and spoke with confidence. “Trust me, it’s a boy.”

  “Well, whatever you have, congratulations and he seems like he’s going to be a great father.”

  I hurried to leave, and as we were putting the groceries in my trunk, Roc stopped another person. “Say man,” he said. “Let me talk to you for a minute.”

  “Roc, please stop it,” I said. “You’re embarrassing me.”

  This time he cut his eyes at me and went on to tell the man about his “baby on the way.” Once again, the man congratulated us, smiling and offering us his blessings as he walked away.

  “I mean, why don’t you just get a marker and write it on your forehead so everyone can see it,” I suggested.

  “And why don’t you just shut the hell up, get yo’ fine self in the car, and go home to cook my food. I got some other things in mind too, but that’ll be discussed in mo details later.”

  When we got back to my place, Roc helped me put up the groceries and insisted on me cooking his food.

  “Please,” he begged. “I can’t cook like you.”

  “I said no, Roc. I’m tired and if you’d like for me to throw something in the microwave for you, I’d be happy to do it.”

  He shrugged and stepped up to me. He then lifted my chin and pecked my lips. “Who needs food when I can eat you? It’s been months and months since I last tasted you and I’m ready for my full-course meal.”

  I held up two fingers, easing up one more. “Two . . . maybe three months. It’s been taken too long for you to get it together and how could you stay away from me for so long.”

  “I’ve been comin’ at you with everything I got. You the one been dissin’ the hell out of me.”

  “Sorry, and I hope I’m not in trouble. Am I?”

  “Yeah, baby. Big, massive, gargantuan . . . my dick wanna get into you right now trouble. It can’t go another day without you and you gots to let me put it in motion.”

  “And if I don’t, will you take what you want?”

  He rubbed his finger along the side of my face. “Never, never again. That shit will never happen again and my word, my bond.”

  “What about all this stickin’ and movin’ you’ve been doing? What’s up with that?”

  “Baby, I’m done. I ain’t ’bout to lose you again and that shit gon’ cease.”

  I pushed. “What about Vanessa?”

  Roc swallowed hard, thinking about what to say. “What about her?”

  “I mean, she made it clear that I could never have you. What do you think?”

  “Fuck her, ma. You don’t need to worry yourself ’bout her. My shit with her under control, a’ight?”

  “It better be. And if she gets my number again, I’m dealing with you, not her.”

  Roc nodded, but I could see straight through him. There was more left to this story, but when it all came to a head, he’d have to deal with it. He unzipped the back of my fitted skirt and it fell to the floor, along with my panties. He lifted me high on the kitchen’s island, standing between my separated thighs. My legs fell in place on his shoulders and when his tongue divided my slit, I sucked in my stomach.

  “Ssss—so, we back in action, huh?” I moaned.

  Roc was too busy making me his again, using his fierce tongue to turn circles inside my pussy. An electrifying shock transmitting through my body caused me to spew dirty, but stimulating, words at him. I rubbed his waves, only to eject my juices into his mouth shortly thereafter. His hooded sexy eyes made contact with mine and his dimples went on display. “You damn right we back in action. And we gon’ be in action for a long while too.”

  Roc had spoken the truth. For the next few days it was all about me and him. He’d turned off his phone. I ignored mine and there were no interruptions. It was funny how I never thought I could feel so connected to him again, but there I was enjoying every moment, every stroke, and every compliment that he’d given me. Basically, I had my man back and I was, no doubt, elated about it.

  Chapter Eleven

  I had plenty of vacation time left, so I took two weeks off from my job. Monica and I shopped our butts off and Reggie was right on time with the money he’d gotten from selling his property. Monica had taken some vacation time too and just so we could relax from all of the walking we’d done, we stopped at Houlihan’s to get a bite to eat. I plopped down in the booth, laying all of my bags next to me.

  “My feet are killing me,” I said, removing my strappy sandals.

  “Mine are too,” Monica said, following suit. “I hope my feet don’t stink, and if they do, too bad.”

  I laughed. “Now the last thing I need is to be smelling your funky feet while I’m eating. If you have any concerns about them stinking, please keep your shoes on.”

  We laughed and got comfortable at the booth. Monica kept her shoes off, but I didn’t smell a thing. The waiter was right on time with our menus, and after we ordered I called home to see if anyone had called. There were no messages, but I was expecting to hear from Roc about our getaway at Monica’s parents’ cabin in Branson, Missouri. He viewed it as a boring camping trip and joked about “a nigga from the hood” being in such a place. According to him, he hated insects and if he was bitten by one, or if he saw a snake, he was going to kill me. He still hadn’t gotten back to me yet, but when I reminded him about the intimate and romantic time we could have, he said he’d let me know. I closed my phone and Monica was eyeballing me.

  “Roc, right?”

  “Yes. I was trying to see if he’d called. Remember, you’re the one who told me to let down my hair, have fun girl, and don’t break your back trying to ride him.”

  Monica laughed. “I did, didn’t I? But, I didn’t tell your butt to go get knocked up by him. Now that I didn’t say.”

  I rubbed my hand on my belly that wasn’t showing much yet. “No you didn’t, but I feel good about this. I never wanted Latrel to be an only child like me, and I know this baby will bring me so much joy.”

  “I know it will too. I’m so happy for you, and I’m jealous that Roc didn’t have his eyes on me first. I don’t know what to say about him, Dez, but I can tell you one thing . . . that brotha got swagga. He’s an original and I have honestly never come across anything like him. Girl, I would be going crazy with a man like that in my life. He’d have to screw me everyday and I wouldn’t let him out of my sight.”

  “Oh, trust me, I’ve been like a horny li’l freak around him. Every time I look at him, I envision dirty things to myself. Like I said before, his sex is dynamic and I don’t even think about Reggie’s butt anymore.”

  Monica put up both of her hands, high-fiving me from across the table. “That’s what I’m talking about. Good-bye madness, hello sunshine. I’m glad he’s history and thank God for Roc. Now, what’s been up with these silly bitches calling your house?”

  “They haven’t called since I got my number changed, but his baby’s mama was about to drive me crazy. I can’t stand foolish women like that, and let’s be real, Roc ain’t just putting it out there for her and me. He admitted that there had been others and I’m not sure how to deal with it.”

  “Yeah, that’s tough, but he’s a young man, Dez. A young, fine, sexy, wealthy, in-control black man that many women are bound to dig their claws into. You really can’t do much about that, but how in the hell did you get pregnant? With a man like him, you’ve got to protect yourself and condoms are a must.”

  I couldn’t agree more with Monica. And since I hadn’t told anyone about the incident that had happened that day, I had to come up with a lie. “We were having sex one day, and the condom slid off. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t ask him to stop. If you don’t follow the rules, there are always consequences.”

  “You’re right. But, I don’t see it as a bad thing
. I’m glad about the baby, and if that crazy bitch of his start messing with you, you let me know. We’ll have to go back to our Sumner High School days and show this chick what we’re all about.”

  “She don’t know, do she? Girl, we used to cut up! I can’t believe you had me fighting with all those girls and what about the time they surrounded your mother’s car?”

  “I ran them bitches over! They were jealous of us, especially since we had all the boys. You were stuck on Reggie, but that didn’t stop the boys from chasing you.”

  “No, it didn’t. But those were the days. I loved Sumner High School, and if I have to travel back down that road in dealing with Ms. Vanessa, I sure in the hell will. Now, I won’t fight her, that’s silly, but she will definitely know that I’m not the one to mess with.”

  Monica nodded and lightly pounded her fist into the palm of her hand. “I’ll teach her a lesson or two. Age is just a number and if she keeps it up, she’ll be on her back covered in dirt. Have you ever seen this chick?”

  I thought back to the night of Roc’s birthday party, as well as to the day I’d seen him at the car wash. “I’m really not sure, but I think I have. Twice.”

  “How does she look?”

  “She’s a really pretty girl, but her mouth is foul, which makes her ugly in my book. The woman I saw looked very materialistic, and I’m sure Roc is taking good care of her shopping needs. I could see her breaking a nail, screaming Roc’s name like she done lost her mind.”

  We laughed.

  “So, he got a gangsta bitch, huh?” Monica asked.

  “I’m not sure what a gangsta bitch is, but—”

  “A ride-or-die ho. She gon’ ride it out with that negro until she die or he die. One or the other. And a woman like you don’t mean nothing to her, and you will not take anything that belongs to her. I’m sure she’s protective of him and you need to find out more about her because, the more I think about it, anything could happen, especially with you being pregnant.”

  “I’ve been keeping my eyes and ears open. I’m definitely not going to allow someone like her to upset me, and her dealings are with Roc, not me. I told him to handle his business with her, and it’s up to him to make sure she doesn’t overstep her boundaries.”

  “Roc may not have any control over her, then again . . . I take back what I said. He got control, and then some. I don’t believe there’s a woman in this world who can tame him, and unfortunately, that includes you.”

  “I won’t disagree, but taming him is not what I want to do. I got other things in mind and you’ll soon see what they are.”

  Monica tried to get me to tell her what I meant, but there really wasn’t any secret. I wanted the best for Roc, and now that I was pregnant with his child, my mission to get him to change his life around had picked up steam.

  I had one more week left for my vacation, and Roc and I were on our way to Monica’s parents’ cabin in Branson, Missouri. He’d been complaining about insects since we left, and while we stopped at Waffle House to grab a bite to eat, I assured him that we would be safe.

  “I can’t believe you’re making such a big deal about insects. Enlighten me . . . what’s up with that? Or are you aiming to ruin another one of our vacations together.”

  “I ain’t aimin’ to do nothin’. I don’t do this kind of shit, and settin’ up tents and all that mess for these white folks. If you ever lived in the projects, then you’d know what the big deal is ’bout insects. When you got roaches runnin’ all around the place, in yo’ food, crawlin’ on yo’ ass, then you’d know what I’m talkin’ ’bout. Evidently, you had that silver spoon hangin’ out yo’ mouth and don’t know what’s up.”

  “We’re not going to be setting up any tents and the cabin is really nice. You’ll like it and if any insects or Freddy or Jason come out to get us, I’ll protect you, okay?”

  “If Freddy or Jason come fuck with me they gon’ get shot.” Roc pointed to his truck. “I got that nine millimeter in there, and after I fire those eighteen rounds in that ass, game over. I bet people won’t be going to the movies to see them no mo’.”

  “Is it necessary for you to carry a gun around?”

  Roc chewed his waffle, staring at me like I had asked a stupid question. I returned the stare, waiting for a response. When his cell phone rang, he broke our trance and answered. I wasn’t sure what was up with him, and if the insects had caused him to have such an attitude, maybe it was in our best interest to head back home. I thought about making that suggestion, but for now, I kept my mouth shut.

  Roc had been talking to Ronnie and he was on his way to meet us at the Waffle House. When he got there, he seemed upset that Roc was leaving and even his attitude rubbed me the wrong way.

  “All I’m sayin’ is I need for you to handle somethin’ as soon as you get back. Are you sure you’ll be back by Friday?” Ronnie asked.

  “I got you,” Roc said, looking across the table at Ronnie, who had taken a seat next to me.

  “Nigga, I know you got me, but I wanna make sure this gets takin’ care of. If you too busy rollin’ with yo’ bitch, hangin’ out in the wilderness, then I’ll get somebody else to handle it.”

  I pulled my head back, looking at Ronnie. “Excuse me? I’m sorry, Mister, but you don’t know me well enough to call me a bitch. And even if you did—”

  Roc touched my hand and could see the fire in my eyes. He quickly intervened. “Hey, Ronnie. Cool out with that shit, man. I told you I’m gon’ handle it and no need to disrespect my lady. I ain’t never let you down before, so there ain’t need for yo’ concern, right?”

  Ronnie sucked his bottom lip. “Talk to me, baby boy. I hear you. I’m just a li’l paranoid ’bout some thangs, that’s all. I need you focused right now, and you know what’s been goin’ down.” He nudged his head in my direction. “Is she the one carryin’ our li’l nigga?”

  Roc squeezed my hand, as a cue not to say anything. He knew me all too well.

  “Fa’ sho,” Roc said. “And I can’t wait ’til he get here.”

  Ronnie turned to me again. His eyes cut me like a sharpened knife. I returned the look and did not break my stare.

  “Congrats, li’l mama. You’ve made yo’ way up to the winner’s circle. I hope you survive.”

  Ronnie got up, slamming his hand against Roc’s. “Have fun, my nigga, and leave yo’ phone on in case I need to get at you.” He pounded his chest and Roc did it back. “Much love, but handle that for me, a’ight?” I noticed his eyes cut in my direction and I was steaming inside. Roc could tell that I was, and as soon as Ronnie left, he had the nerve to ask if I was okay.

  “No, I’m not. But I have a feeling that what I say or how I feel doesn’t matter. Just do me a favor, all right? Don’t ever refer to your child as a nigga and please see to it that I’m never around your uncle again. As you can see, we don’t click.”

  “Ronnie was just being Ronnie. I can’t change no grown-ass man, Dez, and it ain’t my job. We talk that way all the time, and he meant no harm referrin’ to our baby as a nigga. It’s how we do it and—”

  I had enough and couldn’t help myself from raising my voice. “Stop makin’ excuses!”

  I scooted out of the booth, making my way to his truck so we could leave. A few minutes later, Roc came outside and stood in front of me.

  “Why you gettin’ all hype about this? I thought we was ’spose to be havin’ some fun this week? You need to calm down and stop lettin’ tedious shit upset you.”

  He kissed my cheek and opened the door so I could get in. I in no way felt as if I overreacted, and for Ronnie to call me a bitch was one of the most disrespectful things I’d ever witnessed. I waited for Roc to correct him, and even though he somewhat did, I felt as if it wasn’t enough. I told him just that as we were on our way to Branson.

  “What did you want a nigga to do? Jump up and knock the muthafucka upside his head? Would that had made you feel better? I asked him to cool out and he did.”

�If you say so, Roc. I don’t expect you to fight with your uncle and the last thing I want is to come between the two of you.”

  “That ain’t gon’ happen,” he assured me. “Ronnie my nigga and I owe that man my life.”

  Enough said and enough done. This thing between them was even deeper than I thought and I’d be a fool to keep pouncing on something that was beyond my control.

  When we arrived at the cabin, Roc got out of the car, looking around as if something was going to jump out at him. He wasn’t lying about his gun and he pulled it from underneath his seat, tucking it into the back of his pants. I shook my head, making my way to the door. When we got inside, Roc was completely shocked—then again, so was I. The 3,350 square foot cabin was built with high log walls, giving it much support. There were three fireplaces, one in the kitchen, bedroom and family room, all made of stone. The country kitchen was spacious as ever and the arched glass windows gave view to the hundreds of trees in the forest. A custom-made balcony surrounded the entire back of the cabin and it had two levels. In order to get to the upper level, we had to climb the spiral handmade log staircase that looked down into the sunken living room on one side and the great room on the other. The cabin was lit up with handcrafted wooden lights and some were made from deer antlers. The cherry colored hardwood floors creaked as we walked on them, but some of the floors were covered with tweed round rugs that matched the decor in every room. Simply put, this place was fabulous. It was not only cozy, but quiet. I had only been there on one other occasion with Monica and that was a long, long time ago. She’d said that her parents had redone the cabin, but I hadn’t expected to walk into nothing like this. No doubt, Roc’s penthouse was banging, but even he was impressed.

  “I told you this was nice,” I said, slightly pushing his shoulder.