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BFF's Page 5

  “We’re just a married couple who have minor issues that can be worked out. It’s really nothing, but I’m hoping that him and Jacoby reconcile their differences soon.”

  “I hope so too,” Trina said. “It seemed like things were about to turn ugly.”

  Kayla refused to go any further. She continued to stack the dishes in the dishwasher while I packed up the leftovers and put them in the fridge. Trina cleared the table and wiped it down, along with the countertops.

  After the kitchen was spotless, we joined the men downstairs. I kept thinking of a way to get Cedric alone, but he seemed immersed with shooting pool.

  For the time being, I sat on the leather sectional and watched a reality TV program with Trina and Kayla. We couldn’t stop talking about how ridiculous the women were, but to be honest, the reality shit was going on right in this room.

  Cedric must’ve read my mind when he told Kayla he was going upstairs to return a business phone call. I saw it as the perfect opportunity for me to step away, and while Marc and JaQuan started another game of pool, and Trina and Kayla’s eyes were glued to the TV, I announced my departure.

  “I’m going outside to smoke.” I knew Kayla wouldn’t allow me to smoke in her house. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Hurry, because I’m not going to rewind this until it’s over,” Kayla said. “You’re going to miss the new chick getting slapped. I think it’s coming up next.”

  “I’m sure y’all will tell me all about it when I get back.”

  They assured me that they would.

  I made my way upstairs to find Cedric. The moment I reached the top stair, he was standing by the kitchen counter, waiting. He placed one finger over his lips, as a gesture for me to be quiet. He then nudged his head toward the garage door and walked toward it. I followed. Inside of the five-car garage was a fleet of lavish cars that belonged to him and Kayla. The only spot that was empty was the spot where Jacoby parked his car. Cedric unlocked the car and he opened the back door to his Rolls-Royce that provided plenty of room in the backseat.

  “Are you serious?” I whispered to him. “We’re just going to talk, aren’t we?”

  “Ay, that’s all I want to do, unless you have something else in mind like hooking me up.”

  We laughed and I got in the backseat with him. Talking wasn’t in our plans. His hands eased up my skirt, and the moment his fingers slipped into my wetness, I turned on my stomach. Cedric unzipped his pants and flipped up the back of my skirt. He moved my thong to the side and filled my hot pocket with his hard, thick meat that always guaranteed me an orgasm.

  “You know I’m jealous,” Cedric whispered in my ear while long stroking me from behind. My ass was hiked up and the sounds of my pussy juices made him aware that he was hitting the right spot.

  “Jealous of who or whaaaat?” I moaned. “You have noooo reason to be jealous. I’m the one who is jealous. Jealous of Kayla for getting a piece of this whenever she wants to.”

  “You can have a piece whenever you want to. Just ask for it. And the next time you come over here, leave the broke-looking joker at home. He’s an embarrassment and I know you can do much better.”

  “I can. That’s why I’m doing it with you and not with him.”

  Cedric tore into my insides and rushed me to the finish line so we could hurry to go back inside. The car rocked fast from the speed of our action, but as soon as I opened my mouth to react to him busting my cherry, the garage door lifted. Cedric covered my mouth with his hand and we dropped low on the floor in the backseat. My pussy was dripping wet from a mixture of our juices, and the feel of Cedric’s dick still in me felt spectacular.

  For whatever reason, I was hoping that Kayla would see us. It wasn’t that I hated her or anything like that. I had just lost a lot of respect for an ungrateful bitch who didn’t realize or appreciate what she had. Cedric peeked through the tinted windows and whispered to me that it was Jacoby, not Kayla. He waited until Jacoby was inside before he hit me with a few more strokes that tickled my insides and gave me something more to smile about. He had definitely gotten what he wanted, but now it was time for me to get what I wanted.

  “Before we go back inside, I need to ask you for a favor. I know you’re getting tired of me, but until I find another job, I don’t—”

  “How much,” Cedric said then planted a kiss on my cheek.

  “Several hundred dollars. Whatever you can spare is fine with me. Anything will help me right about now.”

  “I’ll transfer the money into your account in the morning. And don’t be ashamed to ask me for money. We have to look out for each other.”

  No doubt we did. I was very appreciative of Cedric’s generosity. Like always, he came through for me and I intended to always come through for him.

  Ten minutes later, Cedric and I entered the house as if nothing had gone on between us. We returned to the basement together, telling Kayla and Trina that he took me to his office to show me his collection of autographed baseballs he had from several St. Louis Cardinals players.

  “Evelyn didn’t believe how much my balls were worth,” Cedric said. “I had to prove to her, as well as show her that they were worth a lot.”

  His balls were definitely worth a lot—to me they were. I was on a serious high from what had transpired, but when I checked my account the next morning, I was pissed. Cedric had only deposited a hundred dollars, when I clearly said several hundred were needed. I called to chew him out, but unfortunately for me his voice mail came on. Cheap bastard. I thought . . . oh, no, he didn’t. I checked my account again, realizing . . . oh, yes, he did.

  Chapter Five


  These ongoing arguments between me and Cedric were getting on my nerves. They were embarrassing and we were starting to lose too much respect for each other. I wanted to calm things down and see if we could somehow start working on our marriage that was falling apart. I knew that Cedric would never agree to counseling, but we had to do something to get our lives back on track. Jacoby was being affected by this. I couldn’t sit by much longer and watch our family being torn apart.

  Cedric was at work, so I decided to take him lunch so we could talk. I wasn’t sure how late he was working tonight, and I was ready to get some of my concerns off my chest. When I arrived at his office, dressed in a long, multicolored sundress and sandals, the bubbly receptionist directed me to go ahead on back to his office.

  “He should be in there,” she said, checking me out from head to toe. She also looked envious of me, but she didn’t have to worry about me being envious of her. She was a trashy-looking white chick who one of Cedric’s partners had offered the position to. I wasn’t sure if Cedric’s partner, John, was involved with her or not, but he did have a wife who I knew very well.

  As I approached the door to Cedric’s office, I could hear him speaking to someone over the phone. He spoke in a light whisper, but busted into a fit of laughter a few times. I heard him refer to the caller as “sweetheart” and not knowing if he was flirting or not, I entered his office with a forced smile on my face. He was leaned back in his chair with the phone up to his ear. The noticeable hump in his pants surprised me and the smile on his face vanished.

  He slowly sat up, clearing his throat. “Uh, let me call you back later. I need to take care of something right now.”

  Not waiting for a response, Cedric put the phone down and looked at the bags in my hand.

  “I thought you might want some lunch,” I said. “But if you’re busy, I can always come back.”

  “Nah, I’m good. That was just someone I’m trying desperately to close a business deal with. Have a seat and thanks for thinking of me.”

  “I always think of you, Cedric. Whether you know it or not.”

  I sat in the chair in front of his desk and opened one of the bags. I pulled out a turkey sandwich, some chips, an apple, and a diet Coke. I baked some chocolate chip cookies too, so I laid those on the desk as well.

  “I feel
like a school kid,” he said with a smile. “Please tell me what I did to deserve this, Mom?”

  “Sarcasm will get you nowhere with me. Now eat up and let’s talk about what has been going on with our marriage.”

  Cedric bit into the apple and leaned back in his chair. He gazed at me from across his desk, narrowing his eyes. “You look nice,” he complimented. “But as far as our marriage goes, what about it?”

  “I can’t believe you have to ask.” I opened my can of diet Coke and took a sip. “We’ve been arguing day in and out. I don’t think you’re happy anymore, and I’m here to ask if you want a divorce.”

  Cedric sat silent for a few seconds. He bit into the apple again and chewed. “No, I don’t want a divorce. I admit to not being completely happy, but you’re not happy, either.”

  “No, I’m not. We really need to do something about this because I don’t like how we’re treating each other. I’m willing to do whatever I must do to correct our problems, but you need to tell me what it is that you need from me. Then I’ll share what I need from you. We have to work at improving on the things that are hindering us from growing together in a respectful and healthy marriage.”

  “I would love to talk about all of that, but why talk about it here? You know that I have work to do, Kay. We’ll have to discuss this when I get home.”

  “That’s fine, only if you’re coming home at a decent hour. Are you working late tonight?”

  “As of right now I’m not. But I’ll do my best to be there by seven.”

  “Seven o’clock is fine. That way I’ll have time to talk to Jacoby before you get there and see if he’ll go hang out with his friends tonight so we can have some privacy.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Cedric and I ate lunch together in peace. Before I left, he gave me a peck on the lips and patted my ass as I walked out the door. He didn’t know that I had an earful for him tonight. Maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t have our conversation on his job, because I expected things to get heated.

  When I arrived home, I waited for Jacoby while watching TV in the family room. He was late, and when I called his cell phone he told me that he stayed after school.

  “After I get done with band practice, do you mind if I go to Adrianne’s house for dinner? Her mother invited me to come over and then we want to go to the mall. I promise not to stay out late, and I’ll have my cell phone available if you need to reach me.”

  “I don’t mind. Have a good time and tell Adrianne’s mother I said hello.”

  “I will.”

  I sat on the couch thinking about Jacoby. He was a good kid. Any bad behavior that he had been representing was due to what was transpiring at home. He had a look in his eyes like he hated his father. I was going to do my best to change things around.

  By seven o’clock, Cedric wasn’t there. He finally came home close to eight. I waited for him to eat dinner then he joined me in the family room. Still dressed in his suit, he sat on the couch next to me and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

  “Okay, Kay, tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “I plan to, but I would like to start with you telling me what you expect or want from me. I assume I’m making some mistakes. I don’t know what they are unless you tell me.”

  Cedric’s cell phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket to see who it was. He winced then slipped the phone back into his pocket. “For the most part, my only problem with you is how you interfere in my relationship with Jacoby. I don’t appreciate how you take his side all the time, and for so many years you have tried to tell me how to be a father. That’s an insult to me. I don’t need your assistance and your behavior has caused me to put up a wall between me and my son. I’m real pissed about it too. What I need for you to do is back off and support me sometimes.”

  “I can do that, okay. I do understand where you’re coming from and I have made some mistakes pertaining to that. Forgive me for not being supportive. I hope it’s not too late for the two of you to fix things.”

  Cedric shrugged. “We’ll see. I was thinking about asking him to join me next weekend on a business trip so we can talk. Just me and him, without you.”

  “That’s fine with me. I’m sure I can find something to do while the two of you are away.”

  “I’m sure you can too, but whatever you do, please don’t invite Marc over here to feed him. Don’t invite Trina over here, either.”

  My brows shot up. I was surprised to hear Cedric say that about her. “Why wouldn’t I invite Trina over here? She’s my best friend and she is always welcome into my home.”

  “She should be welcomed, but not when I’m not here. I prefer to keep my eyes on her, if you know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t know what you mean. Please explain yourself to me, because I don’t know why you feel a need to keep your eyes on Trina.”

  Cedric stood and stretched. “Baby, come on. You’ve been knowing Trina for many, many years. Don’t sit there and tell me that you don’t know she’s gay.”

  My eyes bugged and mouth opened wide. “What? Have you lost your doggone mind? Trina is far from being gay. Why would you say that about her?”

  “Because I know a gay woman when I see one. Like always, she didn’t have no connection with her date and they barely talked to each other. They didn’t even touch and he was almost like some kind of prop for her. In addition to that, I’ve never seen her checking me out. Whenever a woman doesn’t look at me, I know something is wrong with her.”

  I pursed my lips and threw my hand back at him. “If you think Trina is gay because she doesn’t look at you, you’re a fool. She doesn’t show interest because you just happen to be married to her best friend. Stop being so arrogant and full of yourself, Cedric. Some women may not find you attractive, and I’ve never heard either of my BFF’s rave about you.”

  “Just because they don’t rave, it doesn’t mean they’re not interested. You need to start paying closer attention to things, and only when you open your eyes will you really see what is going on with your friends.”

  “Right now I’m not interested in what is going on with my friends. I’m more interested in what is going on with my husband. I want to tell you some of the things I need from you too, and I hope that you don’t take me the wrong way.”

  Cedric didn’t respond. He sat back on the couch and faced me to listen.

  “First, I’ve suspected for a long time that you’ve been having extramarital affairs. I don’t have any proof that you have been, but if you are, I want you to end whatever it is that you have going on outside of our marriage. I also want you to think before you speak. Some of the things that you say to me are very harsh. I don’t appreciate being disrespected by my own husband. You already know how I feel about your relationship with Jacoby, and I hope you’re willing to do whatever to correct it. Lastly, I appreciate you for providing for us, but in addition to money, I need to be shown some love too. You rarely do anything spontaneous or kind for me anymore. I would be very appreciative if we could have sex more often. Is that asking for too much?”

  Cedric pulled off his jacket and laid it on the arm of the couch. He looked at me with much seriousness in his eyes. “I’m going to say this to you one time and one time only. I am not cheating on you and I will never cheat on you. There are times when I flirt with women, talk to women or even have dinner with women. Sometimes, I do that shit to enhance my business relationships with them, but you have my word that I have not been intimate with any other woman than you.

  “As for my mouth, what can I say other than it gets slick at times. You knew that before you married me, and depending on the situation, there are times when I can’t control what I say. I will, however, try to control myself, but I can’t make you any promises. I will work things out between me and Jacoby, but just remember what I said and back off. When it comes to us having sex, that’s on you, baby. You’ve been the one holding back on the pussy, and I need to be presented with some spontaneou
s, thrilling shit too. You are just as boring as I am in the bedroom, so don’t blame me for our sex life not being what it should be.”

  “I thought it wasn’t what it should be because you’ve been intimate with other women. I want to believe you, Cedric, but it’s so hard to when I know you have conversations with them, they call you, and you’re always coming home late.”

  “Baby, I am late because I work hard to keep all of this you see around you. You need to stop assuming things and accusing me of doing stuff that I’m not doing. You have never caught me doing anything. It’s so unfair to me if you’re thinking all of that craziness in your head. That’s where the problem lies between us. You need to get that craziness out yo’ head and start giving me some credit.”

  Could I have been wrong about him? That was a possibility, especially since I had never caught him in the act doing anything. I had definitely been assuming a lot, only because my gut had been signaling that something was very wrong.

  For now, I had to trust what Cedric had said. We agreed to work on our marriage and see what we could do better to repair it. The repair process started that night. While Cedric was in the shower, I hurried into my closet to put on something sexy. I opted for a ruby red, lace negligee with diamond studs that lined the breasts area. The negligee revealed most of my privates, including my nipples that were visible through the lace. The crotch section slipped between my shaved coochie lips, and the mountains on my smooth ass looked squeezable. I wanted to spice things up, so I lit some candles then dimmed the lights. I sprayed my body with dashes of sweet perfume, and then put on some slow, jazzy music to set the mood.

  Cedric opened the doors to the bathroom with shock in his eyes. I smiled while lying sideways on the bed, where he had a clear view of my ass. He moistened his lips with his tongue then dropped the towel that was around his waist to the floor. His dick rose to its full potential and he glided up to the side of the bed.

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about,” he said, reaching out to rub my ass. He squeezed and massaged it, right along with my thick thighs. I had to turn my body around to face him, just so he could look between my legs and see what his touch was capable of doing to me. While he appeared to be in a trance, I switched positions on the bed and opened my legs. I felt the crotch of my negligee ease further into my slit and I suspected that Cedric got a glimpse of my moist folds.