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No Justice No Peace Page 5

  She moved her hand, and looking disappointed, she turned her head away. Letting it be known to her that I did want her, I loosened my one hand from hers and wrapped both of my arms tightly around her waist. I lowered my face, rubbing it against her soft curly hair. You’d of thought we’d known each other for years, but it was something about Anna that gave me a different feeling. Being this close to her I heard no music, I saw no one, and it was as if we were in a place all by ourselves. Breaking my concentration, she leaned back again, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Your eyes say a lot, Kiley. You certainly have something on your mind.” I continued to look into her eyes without saying a word. “You don’t have to talk to me, but can I tell you what I’m thinking?”

  “I…I already know because your eyes say a lot too,” I said.

  She smiled. “Then, what are they saying?”

  “How about you tell me.”

  “Yo quero tú a jodes mi.”

  I chuckled. “I don’t understand your language.”

  She stood on the tips of her toes and whispered in my ear. “I said, I want you to fuck me.”

  My eyes bugged from her bluntness. “When? Right now?”

  “No, not right here, silly. Soon, real soon.”

  I couldn’t help it that my dick was now busting through my pants while talking and dancing with her. Thinking about taking her up on her offer, I backed away and told her I needed to go to the restroom. We separated, and I left the dance floor to find Ginger. I couldn’t find her, so I finally went to the restroom to take a leak. As I made my exit, the night had gotten even better. To my surprise, the lady I’d been dying to see came into the club with a Baller by her side. It was Candi. She damn sure still had it going on and clung closely to the man by her side. I watched as they went to the VIP section and took a seat. Her body looked jaw dropping delicious, and the strapless jumpsuit she had on comforted every curve. Her straight black long hair was parted through the middle and hung on her shoulder. Sexy was written all over her face, almost causing me to pause and forget about how she’d done me so wrong. I thought about our sexual escapades, but the memory of her holding a gun in my face and reading me my rights flashed before me. Ginger came over, twirling her fingers in my face. “Wake up, baby, did you see a ghost? I know you ain’t that bored.”

  I shifted my eyes away from Candi. “As a matter of fact, I am. Let me get the keys to your car so I can take my ass home. This alcohol got me kind of sluggish and I got a banging ass headache.”

  She reached in her pocket for the keys. “Here. I’ll get a ride home from Deborah. Don’t expect me until at least six o’clock and try to get some rest. You haven’t had much sleep at all, have you?”

  “Not at all. I’ll see you when you get home.” I kissed Ginger on the cheek and walked away.

  I looked around for Anna, while at the same time, I hoped Candi wouldn’t see me. I’d questioned one brotha about the Baller she was with and he told me his name was Dominique. Said he was big time on the east side and joked about him being the next president. When I asked him about Candi, he said that he didn’t know much about her. Said Dominique always had a new flavah by his side and he’d only seen her with him a few times. I thanked him for the info, and when Anna caught my eye, I nudged my head towards the exit. After she walked out, I waited a few minutes and then left. She was leaned against the exit door with her arms folded in front of her. I walked up to her and took her hand.

  “Come with me,” I said. We walked to Ginger’s car and got inside. Minutes later, I pulled in front of Anna’s apartment. Saying nothing to each other, she unlocked the door and we went inside. The apartment was dark, and after she closed the door, I backed her against it. I removed her belt from around her waist and ripped her dress apart with my hands. I felt for her panties, tearing those away from her skin. Her heart beat fast as I placed her breasts in my mouth and started to suck them. I massaged them together, and as I worked on those, she undid the buttons on my shirt and removed it. She squeezed the hard muscles in my chest, and when I took my hands off her breasts, I placed my hands on the sides of her face, holding her cheeks. I licked around her buttery soft lips and then stuck my tongue deeply into her mouth. Our lips worked well together, causing the anxiousness for each other to increase. Anna took my hand, walking me through the small living room that was adjacent to the kitchen. She stopped at the bottom of the steps, looking upstairs to what I assumed was her bedroom. For me, that was a long way up. I was ready to tear into her and couldn’t wait much longer. She started up the stairs, and as I got a view of her near perfect ass, I had an urge to taste her. I pulled her down on the steps, kneeling in between her legs. She held herself up by using the rails and I placed her thighs on my shoulders. I pressed my lips against her inner thighs and moved the crotch of her moist panties to the side. My tongue slithered into her hairless fat pussy, causing her to let out a deep sigh of relief.

  Anna’s body jerked several times, as she couldn’t keep still. She trembled all over and took lengthy deep breaths to calm herself. Within minutes, her juices rushed into my mouth and she quickly backed away from me. She squeezed her legs together, taking a moment to regroup. I made my way up the steps and she followed behind me. The carpeted floor looked like the best place to handle our business, and when I stepped out of my pants, Anna gave me a condom and got undressed as well. She lay back on the floor, and feeling as if I was digging for gold, I insert myself.

  All I can say is her pussy was a slippery slope, yet tight as hell. Anna kept backing away from the feeling of my throbbing meat, and she tightly held my hips to halt my fast thrusts.

  I leaned forward, pecking my lips with hers. “I’ll be gentle,” I whispered. She moved her hands away from my hips and I kneeled in front of her. I placed her legs against my chest and rubbed them. Still inside of her, I parted her legs like a V, changing my rhythm to a slower pace. She was still tense up, but after a while, she loosened up and started to move with me. That was my cue to pick up the pace.

  Sex between us went on for a while, and getting a bit uncomfortable on the floor, I suggested going to her bed. We did, but when she straddled my lap and put me back inside of her, she didn’t move. I held her ass in my hands, lifting her slightly off my dick.

  “Just take your time.” I said. “You don’t have to take it all in. Just work with some of it.”

  Anna nodded and I assisted her where the thickness or length of my dick wouldn’t hurt as much. As she seemed to get the hang of it, I removed my hands from her ass and let her work it on her own. The tightness of her insides felt good and this was the best welcome home pussy I’d had. We kicked up a serious sweat, and as I reached for her ass to massage it, my grip kept slipping away from the wetness of her behind. I felt myself about to explode, and noticing the twisted look on my face, Anna quickly bounced up and down on me. Her titties were in motion, as well as her pussy was getting wetter by the minute. She ran her fingers through her long hair, and as we came together, she plopped forward on my chest. I softly rubbed her back with the tips of my fingers.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. She nodded, refusing to look up at me. I rolled her over in bed next to me and she placed her head on my muscular arm. She twirled her finger down my chest and placed her leg across mine. Before I knew it, she was sound asleep and so was I.

  By the time I woke up, it was almost nine o’clock in the morning. I sat up on my elbows, squeezing my eyes from the hangover I felt and the bright sun shining into the room. I hadn’t slept that well since I’d gotten out of prison and it was one damn sleep that was long over due.

  Anna was in the shower. I heard Spanish music playing and pulled the white sheets back to get dressed and go. When I looked down, though, I saw stained blood on the sheets. I looked at my goods and there was some on me as well. Wanting to wash up, I went to the bathroom door and knocked. The music was so loud that Anna didn’t hear me. I turned the knob and entered the steam filled room. I moved the shower
curtain to the side, and Anna had her eyes closed as she let the water stream out on her face. She sung the Spanish lyrics to the song, and to get her attention, I stepped in the shower behind her. Startled, she opened her eyes and slightly turned her head. She smiled at me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. I took my other arm, wrapping it around her neck. She kissed my arm and I kissed the back of her head.

  “Did I hurt you,” I whispered. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  “Were you a virgin? I mean, you were really tight and…”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. But, I haven’t had sex for a very long time.”

  “Why not and why me?”

  She took my arm from around her neck and turned to face me. “Because I like you. I’ll tell you about my past another day, okay?”

  I nodded and Anna lathered up soap in her hands. She touched my chest, then moved her hands throughout my entire front side. When I turned around, and pressed my hands against the wall, she worked my backside. I, of course, returned the favor. We rinsed ourselves off, and before I knew it, we were back in her bed fucking again.

  I messed around at Anna’s place until damn near one o’clock in the afternoon. I knew I’d get cussed out, if not, put out by Ginger. Still, my time with Anna was well worth it. She walked down the steps in front of me, and when we made it to the kitchen, she offered me something to drink. A bit in shock, I noticed a picture of Desmon with her nephew on front of the refrigerator. I pretended not to know who he was and asked her about him.

  “That’s one of Antonio’s best friend, Desmon. Antonio’s been at his place since last night.” She smiled and pulled the picture off the refrigerator. “They’ve been through so much together. I can’t even begin to tell you.”

  I definitely wanted to know more, but I didn’t want Anna to know I was Desmon’s father. There wasn’t no telling what she’d heard about me, so I left well enough alone.

  “So, do you have any kids of your own?” I asked.

  “No, I don’t have any children. Antonio is like my child because he’s been with me forever.”

  “I see.” I took a sip from the glass of lemonade she’d poured, then sat it on the counter. I stretched and yawned. “Listen, I’d better get going.”

  She smiled, knowing that our time together was done. “Yes, you’d better get going.”

  Anna walked me to the door and I leaned in for a goodbye kiss.

  “I’ll be back. You have my word I’ll be back.”

  “What about your phone number?” she rushed to say. “Can I call you?”

  “Not right now, but soon.”

  Disappointment could be seen on her face, and she backed away from me. She opened the door, not knowing when she’d ever see me again.

  Ginger’s place wasn’t too far away, so I slowly drove to it. I knew all hell was about to break loose, and surely after I pulled up, it did. She busted out of the front door, yelling for the keys to her car. They weren’t mine, so I didn’t hesitate to turn them over. I dropped them in her hands and walked inside.

  “What happened to this supposed to be headache you had, Kiley! I thought you were coming home last night!”

  “I was,” I said, walking casually into the bedroom. I removed my shirt, tossing it in a chair. “Something else came up, though.”

  “Something else like what! Some pussy? It’s obvious you’ve been with somebody! Your clothes all wrinkled and her scent is all over you!”

  I shrugged. “If you say it is, then I guess so. I told you something urgent came up, and that’s all there is to it.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed, biting down on her bottom lip. “One damn day, Kiley. You and me haven’t had one damn day of peace since you’ve been out of jail. Everyday it’s something with you. I don’t know how much more of this shit I can take.”

  I walked up to her and lifted her chin. “It won’t be too much longer. Hopefully, we’ll all be able to move on and do it soon.”

  I opened the front door and sat on the steps to the upper level townhouses. I massaged my temples, thinking about my fourth day out of prison. Things weren’t getting better for me, as I’d hoped they would. Desmon was nowhere to be found, and Antonio hadn’t for damn sure spent the night here. I didn’t know what the hell was going on, but I knew my respect for Ginger was gone the day I got home. Honestly, I hated her for raising Desmon the way she did. I know damn well I could have done a better job than her, but there was no way for me to go back in time.


  Chapter Four

  For the next few days, things were on the down-low. Rufus called and we made plans for my package to be delivered. Of course, it came with instructions. Apparently, one of the fools who was coming to deliver my package had been stealing money from Rufus. He explained the situation to me and asked if I would take care of it for him. He’d even offered to throw in an extra fifty grand and told me the other nigga, Marc, had instructions to get rid of the body once I was finished. What did I have to lose? I thought. Rufus had taken care of my family while I was away, and if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have ever known about Donovan having Papa Abrams set up to be killed. Either way, I agreed to it and prepared myself to take care of this little problem upon their arrival.

  Ginger and I had only seen Desmon twice this week. He came in with Antonio one time, and another time with Gabrielle. I guessed she’d forgiven him because shit seemed to pop off in the basement as it had done before. But for the time being, I kept my distance. Not only from him, but from Ginger as well. She’d talked her shit, but when I gave her some of my dick, she shut the fuck up. Actually, I’d gotten kind of tired of fucking her. Anna was on my mind, but I wasn’t going back her way anytime soon. When I felt that strongly about a woman, I knew it only meant trouble, so the further away I stayed, the better.

  Late Friday night, I asked Ginger if I could use her car. Before she handed over the keys, she asked where I was going.

  “I talked to Al earlier this week about finding me a car. He’s supposed to hook a brotha up, so I’m going to see what’s up.”

  She dropped the keys in my hand. “Please don’t do what you did last time. Everything’s been going cool between us and I’m not up for a bunch of drama tonight.”

  “Just give me a couple of hours. Besides, once I have my car, I won’t have to ask for yours.”

  I pecked Ginger on the lips and stepped outside. I took a few puffs from my cigarette, then got into the car. On the drive to South St. Louis where I was supposed to meet Marc and Cortez, I thought about how I would put my money to good use. A car? Definitely. Some clothes? Without a doubt. A decent place to live? Yes. Things for Desmon? Maybe. Quincy? Of course.

  I turned off Grand Ave and pulled into an alley. I saw Marc and Cortez parked exactly where I told them to meet me. I pulled Ginger’s car next to theirs and we all got out. I remembered Marc from back in the day, so he and I gave each other a slamming handshake. Cortez didn’t say much.

  “Damn, man,” Marc said. “Yo shit is right. The pen buffed you out like that?”

  I nodded and suspiciously looked at Cortez while taking a puff from another cigarette. Marc opened the trunk and pulled out a huge black suitcase. He sat it on the ground.

  “Ain’t no need for me to count it, is there?” I asked.

  “Naw, man,” Marc said. “It’s all there.”

  “Are you sure?” I took another puff of the cigarette.


  I kneeled down on one knee and started to unzip the suitcase. Before I did, I looked at Cortez. “How about you, Cortez? Are you positive my shit is all here?”

  He fidgeted a bit, but spoke up. “Definitely…most definitely.”

  Marc took a few steps backwards. Cortez turned his head to look at Marc and that’s when two bullets from my gun blew right into his chest. His body jerked backwards, then plopped to the ground. His legs flopped around, before they stopped and he
took his last breath. Some of his blood had splattered on me, so I wiped the specks of it off my face. I then put the gun inside of my pants and picked up the suitcase.

  “Tell Rufus I said thanks,” I said to Marc. I dropped the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out with my shoe.

  “I will,” Marc said, looking to be in a panic. “But, help me put this nigga in the trunk.”

  “I ain’t got nothing to do with that. Rufus gave instructions and that was supposed to be your job.”

  “Come on, Kiley. Don’t leave me standing out here next to no dead body.”

  I looked at Marc’s scary ass and quickly got pissed. One thing I hated more than anything was a wannabe gangsta who didn’t have guts to follow through with a plan. “Look, I’ve done my job—now, you do yours! Put him in the fucking trunk, take his ass to another city, and dump him! Now, I can always call Rufus and tell him the plans have changed. If I do, you may be reluctant to go back to LA.”

  With that, Marc hurried to put Cortez’s body in the trunk. I opened the back door to Ginger’s car, tossed the suitcase inside and left. Before I went home, I stopped at Al’s place on Natural Bridge Ave. and gave him a little somethin-somethin to get me a car. I knew he’d get me something nice and he told me he’d bring it to me by noon tomorrow. After I cleaned myself up a bit from the incident in the alley, I shot the breeze with him for an hour or so and headed home.

  When I got back to the crib, Ginger and one of her girlfriends were in the living room talking. I strolled in with the suitcase and hurried into the bedroom. I slid the suitcase underneath the bed, then went into the living room to join them.

  “Baby, you remember Allison from the other night, don’t you?”

  “Yep,” I said. I sat on the couch next to Ginger and she passed me a joint.

  “What’s that on your face?” she asked.


  She rubbed my face, specifying that a dab of dried up blood was on it.

  “Yuk. Is that blood or something?”