Full Figured Page 5
“I can’t believe time flew by like that,” he said. “Why didn’t you wake me? I thought you had somewhere to be.”
I laid on my back and Roc kept his hand on my midsection. Our faces were extremely close and he looked down at me as I spoke. “I did have somewhere to be, but I changed my mind about going.”
“Are you sure yo’ man ain’t gon’ be mad at you for bein’ a no-show?”
“Is that your way of asking me if I’m involved with someone?”
“Nope, I was just askin’. I didn’t see no ring on yo’ finger so I could care less if you got a boyfriend.”
“FYI, no I don’t. What about you? You got any girlfriends?”
“I shake, rattle, and roll sometimes, but you can believe that don’t nobody excite me like you.”
I didn’t know what to say. It really didn’t bother me that Roc admitted to having girlfriends, and at his age, what did I expect?
“You know what,” he said, looking at my lips. “That sholl is a bangin’-ass dress you wearin’. I mean that mug—”
“Cut with the foolishness, Roc,” I said, smiling. “You’re only saying that because I backtracked on what I had planned for you. Sorry, you ruined it when you criticized my dress and that should be a warning for you to keep your mouth shut while you’re ahead.”
“Ha!” he shouted, then lightly squeezed my stomach. “Tell me . . . what did you have planned for me?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. Whatever it was, I guess we both just have to miss out.”
“See, you playin’ now. It’s all good, though. I see how you gon’ do me.”
Roc’s lips were already close and he seemed so surprised when I lifted my head and initiated a lengthy kiss. “Mmm,” he mumbled while indulging himself and circling his hand around on my hip. His hand went under my flimsy dress and when he moved his body between my legs, I bent my knees. My legs fell further apart and his hardness was right where I wanted it to be. My pussy was more than ready for him and I felt myself getting moist. Roc’s hand kept touching my hip in search for my panties. When he didn’t feel them, he halted our kiss.
“I knew there was a reason why I loved this dress so much. You ain’t got on no panties, do you?”
I moved my head from side to side, implying no. Roc quickly jumped up, dug in his pocket for a condom, and removed his jeans. I laid there in doubt, thinking if I should allow this to happen. He was too young, but maybe I could get an orgasm and call it quits. I needed some kind of action in my life, and if Roc was willing to give it to me, what the hell? He returned to his position on top of me, and slightly raised my dress for easy access. He lifted himself a bit just to get a glance of my shaved pussy.
“Damn,” he whispered while wetting his lips. “I wanna taste it, ma. Can we go inside? I need way more room than this.”
I signaled no and reached down for Roc’s at least ten-inch dick. Going inside of the house would waste time and it was not an option. “Work with what space you have,” I suggested. “Be creative and don’t keep me waiting.”
Roc took heed and put it in motion. As soon as he cracked open each side of my walls, my mouth grew wide and I inhaled a heap of fresh air. With every thrust, I sucked in more air, letting out soft, pleasing moans. I kept telling myself that he was not a twenty-four-year-old man and his big dick was doing its best to prove it to me too. Reggie is nowhere near this big, I thought.
“This shit feelin’ so guuud,” he whined. “I need to get at it, though. Why you won’t let me go inside and get at this pussy like I want to.”
I basically ignored Roc’s request. His package was feeling too good for me to pack up and go inside. At this point, releasing my grip from him would’ve been a crime. Instead, I massaged his black muscular ass, just as I’d imagined, and put my legs on his shoulders, making every bit of my dreams come true. I worked my body to the rhythm he’d chosen and my insides tingled all over. When Roc pulled my dress over my head and started in on my wobbling breasts, my body quivered even more. His lengthy chocolate dip into my cream made me crazy as ever. No, I didn’t want to come yet, but I had to. The rush was there and I let it be known.
“Damn you!” I yelled with tightened fists. “I’m coming, baby. My pussy feels so good, but help it give you all it’s got. Pleeeze help it!”
Roc picked up the pace and used his two fingers to turn circles around my swollen clit. It was rock-solid hard and he loved it.
“Shit!” he said, taking deep breaths. “I love this feelin’, ma. You—you workin’ with somethin’ and a nigga lovin’ the hell out of this.”
Enough said, enough done. Roc got tense, his ass felt like I was gripping stone, and he tightened up all over. He kept toying with my clit, forcing my juices to ooze out quickly. I felt relieved and my body went limp. Following suit, so did his body. He laid on top of me, while the swing squeaked and swayed back and forth. I gazed at the twinkling stars, thinking about how I couldn’t wait to tell Monica about this. More so, about how badly my pussy needed . . . wanted him. From the constant vibrating of Roc’s phone, it was clear that somebody else was in need of him too.
Chapter Four
I was known for holding grudges, but I never thought I could go almost a month without talking to my son. This was the first time this had happened, and as many times as I had picked up the phone to call him, I always wound up hanging it right back up. No doubt, I missed talking to Latrel, but I couldn’t get over the way he treated me, especially in front of his girlfriend and Reggie.
As for Mr. Wright, he had finally taken his vacation. I spent the entire week getting his office together. I cleared the papers from his desk, organized his files and cleaned his office until it was spotless. Admittedly, having him out of the office for the entire week was great. It was peaceful, and not to have him in the office yelling my name was the best. I had made progress, even though I spent many of my days taking personal calls. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Monica and I talked on the phone for hours. I took an extended lunch with her and we spent some extra time at the mall. I bought me two new outfits, some books, and therefore, I needed for Reggie to be on time with my alimony payment. He was late again, and for a man to own his own real estate company, I didn’t understand the holdup with my checks. I tried to work with him on my payments, but his not paying me my money was putting me behind. Since our divorce, I had to make many, many cutbacks. I was so used to purchasing things when I wanted them and this was such a change for me. When I spoke to him earlier this week, he promised to throw in something extra. It was already Friday and I hadn’t heard nothing from him yet.
Ever since my enjoyable night with Roc, I’d only spoken to him twice, within the last three weeks. We talked for hours, and I liked that he was a good listener and he didn’t pry into my personal life. He continuously made me laugh and expressed his desires to see me again. I told him it would have to wait until this Friday. He was cool with that, especially since I agreed to make him dinner. I was just okay about seeing him again and I didn’t want our friendship to turn into a relationship. He didn’t seem to want a relationship either, and he proved that by only calling me in his spare time. He often seemed very busy and we never stayed on the phone for more than fifteen minutes. I viewed us as being nothing but sex partners and it was still a bit difficult for me to accept that I had sex with a twenty-four-year-old. That’s why our meeting place could only be at my house and my house only. I didn’t want to know where he lived, I never asked for a phone number to call him, and we could never, ever be seen in public together. Everyone would think I was out of my mind for being with him, and for now, this was a secret that I intended to keep. Yes, Monica knew what was going on behind closed doors, but she was the only one.
I’d thought about having a romantic dinner with Roc, but decided against it. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, so I put the candles away and placed the china back into the cabinets. It was already 6:45 P.M. and he was expected to be here by 7:00. I had
also changed my mind about cooking dinner, and instead I called a Chinese restaurant to order some food. I wasn’t sure what kind of food Roc liked, but nobody could refuse the special fried rice that came from the Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood. The lady informed me that the order would arrive within the hour.
I had just enough time to get comfortable in my canary-lace boy shorts and tank shirt combination. I covered up with my cream cotton thigh-high robe and slid on my matching cotton house shoes. I was at home and there was no need for me to get all jazzed up for Roc. As far as I was concerned, he didn’t give a care about what I wore. He proved that the last time he was here.
It was five minutes to seven and I was getting my MSNBC political fix on. Keith Olbermann was just about to deliver his special comment of the night when I heard the front door open. My heart jumped to my stomach and I rushed toward the front door to see who it was. Reggie met me while coming down the hallway.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, tightening my robe.
“I came to drop off your check.”
“You could have called, Reggie. I don’t like you popping up like this.”
“Since when,” he said, following me to the kitchen. “It ain’t like you were doing anything.”
If only you knew, I thought. And according to my clock on the wall, he had to go because Roc would soon be here. There was no way in hell I wanted Reggie to know about what I’d been into. He would use this as another excuse to degrade me and I didn’t want him in my business. Since our divorce, he’d kept his social life a secret and it was only fair that mine was kept a secret as well. That thought was short-lived and when the doorbell rang, he glanced at me, already making his way to the door.
“Are you expecting anyone?” he asked.
“Uh, no,” I said, quickly following behind him. I looked through the living room window and saw Roc’s SUV in the driveway. Oh, shit! How can I get out of this....
Reggie swung the door open and Roc stood on the porch, looking every bit of his age. I stood behind Reggie and saw a cold look in Roc’s eyes that said I’d better come up with something fast. He looked pissed, but before he could say a word, I quickly spoke up.
“Jeremy, Latrel is still away at school. He told me if you stopped by to give you his address and phone number so you could reach him.”
Reggie moved aside and I invited Roc in. At first he hesitated, but I gave him a look as if cooperation was needed. “Come into the kitchen. I’ll write his number and address down so you can reach him.”
Reggie extended his hand. “Jeremy, I’m Latrel’s father, Reggie. Nice to meet you.”
“S—s—same here,” Roc said. We all went to the kitchen, and in a panic I searched the kitchen drawer for a pad and pencil. I found it and scribbled a quick note to pass to Roc. Please bear with me, I asked. My ex-husband stopped by to bring me some money. He’s leaving soon. Make small talk with me and don’t leave. Sorry.
I gave the note to Roc and he read it. He put it in his pocket. “Thanks for the info, I’ll call him tomorrow.”
“You’re welcome,” I said, smiling. “In the meantime, how are your parents doing? I haven’t seen them in a while.”
“My mom’s doin’ good. My father just got out of the hospital, but he doin’ okay now.”
Reggie was too busy looking through the refrigerator, but he soon closed the door with a beer in his hand. “Here,” he said, putting the check on the marble-topped island. “I have to run and I’ll give you a call tomorrow. We really need to talk about this thing with you and Latrel, okay?”
Reggie looked at Roc. “Nice meeting you, Jeremy. Take care and when you talk to that knucklehead son of mine, tell him to give his father a buzz.”
Roc nodded. “Will do, sir. No doubt.”
I walked Reggie to the door and was relieved to see him go. This time, I locked the door and connected the chain. As soon as I turned around, Roc stood behind me.
“Lying for you like that gon’ cost you big-time. Why you ain’t just tell that nigga what was up and be done with it?”
“Because I don’t want him to know my business, that’s why.”
“Why should he care? If he yo’ ex, I don’t understand what’s the big deal.”
I got a little frustrated because I didn’t want to talk about Reggie. “Look, Roc, I didn’t know he was coming and that’s all there is to it. I appreciate you not making a scene, but there was no way for me to prevent that from happening.”
“Yes, it was. If y’all divorced, tell that muthafucka he can’t be comin’ over here when he get good and ready to. That’s how you put a stop to that shit.”
Roc stepped into my dark living room and sat on my micro-suede mahogany sectional. I couldn’t see much of his face, but I knew he wasn’t happy about the situation, or possibly jealous.
I stood with my back against the wall in the living room and folded my arms.
“So, I guess you’re upset with me, huh?” I asked.
He leaned back on the couch, laying his arms on top of it. “Nope, I ain’t mad. I don’t get mad over no shit like this. Besides, all we gon’ be good for is fuckin’ each other so why should I trip?”
“What makes you say that? Was it something I said—”
“No, it’s just somethin’ I know. You don’t seem as excited ’bout me as I am ’bout you and that’s on the real.”
“I’m very excited about you, but I just ended my marriage and I’m not looking to seriously hook up with anyone.”
Roc didn’t say anything so I walked into the living room and stood in front of him. I still didn’t see those pearly whites and all I witnessed was the coldness in his eyes.
“If this is going to be a problem for you—”
“Where my food at? I don’t smell no dinner cookin’, no nothin’. I guess you lied ’bout that too?”
His attitude was working me, but since I felt bad about my situation with Reggie, I remained calm. “I didn’t have time to cook, but don’t think that I forgot about feeding you. I ordered Chinese and it should be here shortly.”
“I don’t eat Chinese food, so you may as well have forgotten ’bout me”
Roc wasn’t letting up with his attitude. I knew how to change things around and I made a move to do just that, starting with turning on the lights. I opened my robe and tossed it on the couch next to him. I then straddled his lap, placing my arms on his shoulders. The cheeks of my butt were poking out of my boy shorts and one strap of the tank top I wore hung off my shoulder, revealing my hard nipples. Roc’s eyes searched me over, but he continued to sit there like a bump on a log.
“I promise that I haven’t forgotten about you,” I said. “As a matter of fact, I can’t stop thinking about what happened between us. I was glad that you called, and now I’m glad you’re here.”
“That’s right, clean yo’ shit up,” he said. His phone caused an interruption, and yet again the loud music played.
He looked down at the phone attached to his casual shorts. “Get up,” he ordered. “I need to see who this is.”
I got off his lap and he looked at his phone. He put it back in his pocket and stood up. “I’m gettin’ ready to bounce.”
“So soon,” I said, totally upset that he was leaving. I sighed and combed my hair back with my fingers. “What about your Chinese food?”
“I told you I don’t eat Chinese food.”
He stepped toward the door and had no sympathy for the saddened look on my face. He was looking so good in his khaki shorts that showed his toned calves and smooth legs. There was no way I could let him leave and I had to think of something fast.
“Before you leave,” I quickly said. “I bought something for you. Wait right here.”
Roc put his hands in his pockets and stood by the door. I walked off, moving my curvaceous hips and leaving my boy shorts high above my cheeks. I didn’t even have to turn around because I knew he was looking. Moments later, I returned with
a white plastic bag that had a book inside.
“I was at the mall this week and thought about you when I saw this. Here.”
He removed the book from the bag and held it in his hand. The smile I hadn’t seen all night had finally shown up. “How To Go Down on A Woman and Give Her Exquisite Pleasure,” he read. “Are you sayin’ you think I need help with that?”
“All I’m sayin’ is you admitted to reading self-help books and I thought you might enjoy it.”
Roc snickered while holding a tiny smile on his face. I took this opportunity to speak up.
“Please stay,” I asked. “I apologize about dinner and it was wrong for me to assume you liked Chinese.”
He looked as if he was considering it, and kept his eyes on the book. “Come here, and for the record, I love Chinese food,” he said. I stepped forward and he slid his arm around my waist. “I’ll stay but you gotta promise me somethin’.”
“That tonight I can explore all of yo’ body parts and do it in any room of this house that I want to. No denyin’ me anything I wanna do and stop tryin’ to run this show from here on out. What happens, happens and what’s gon’ be, gon’ be. Let the chips fall where they may, a’ight?”
“Yes,” I replied, looking into his serious eyes. He sucked my lips with his and backed me into the living room. I sat back on the couch and Roc kneeled between my legs. He placed the book next to me and reached for my boy shorts to remove them. I slightly lifted my butt and Roc pulled the boy shorts off my feet. His hands massaged my hips while rubbing them up and down my thick thighs.
“Sexy, sexy, sexy,” he implied. “Thick and sexy, just how I like my women to be. I’m gon’ make you mine and I can promise you that shit.”
He pulled his shirt over his head and stood to remove his pants. His dick was so ready to enter me, but he dropped to his knees again, positioning my legs on his shoulders. His arms wrapped around my thighs and his face navigated between my legs. As soon as his tongue separated my tingling slit, he licked the furrows alongside my clit while holding my labia open with his fingers. He then licked me from front to back, as if he were enjoying a chocolate cherry ice cream cone. A major shock went through my body, almost convulsion-like. I trembled all over but kept telling myself to relax. Needless to say, Roc was tearing it up and my shaking legs couldn’t stay in place on his shoulders.