BFF's Page 7
“I guess you are. Go get your car and I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
“My car is parked in the parking garage around the corner. I may be a minute, but I’m coming.”
“Sure. I’ll be waiting right here in my car. Hurry.”
Keith walked away, and as soon as he was out of my sight, I hurried into my car and sped off. Almost ten minutes later, he was ringing my cell phone. I didn’t answer, but the next time I saw him I was sure I had some explaining to do.
Within thirty minutes I was home. Unfortunately for me, though, Cynthia was parked outside in her car waiting for me and Lexi was waiting in her car. I was not in the mood to explain myself to anyone, and I certainly didn’t want them going at it with each other. Their personalities would clash, so I just kept it moving, hoping that they didn’t see me.
My only other options were to either go to Evelyn’s place or Kayla’s. By the time I sat around with them talking and wasting time, I was sure Lexi and Cynthia would be gone. Then again, maybe not, especially since Lexi was more persistent than Cynthia was.
I made up my mind and drove to Evelyn’s place. I squeezed my car in between two vans, but as I got ready to exit the car my cell phone rang. It was Keith calling again. I felt terrible for dissing him like I did, so I answered as if I were in a rush.
“Please, please forgive me,” I said in a fake panic. “As soon as you left, my sister called and said my father had been rushed to the hospital because of a heart attack. I’m here now, trying to see what’s going on. Can I call you back later?”
“Su—sure, Trina. Take care and if you need anything let me know.”
“I will. Thanks.”
I shut my phone off and sighed from relief. I wasn’t sure if he believed me or not, but it was the best I could do for right now. As for my father, he was a deadbeat any damn way. I hadn’t seen him in years, so I didn’t feel bad about the lie I had told.
I opened the car door to get out. But the moment my heel touched the pavement, I spotted a familiar car coming in my direction. There weren’t too many people driving around in a steel-gray Mercedes with tinted windows and a personalized license plate. At first, I assumed that Kayla was behind the wheel. But, when Cedric got out, my brows shot up. Shock washed across my face as I watched him smooth walk his way to the elevator and swipe a card to get in. I wasn’t sure if he was heading to Evelyn’s loft or not. Security was tight in her building and she had to personally let her guests in.
Cedric, however, had his own access. I was curious about what was going on, so I waited for fifteen minutes until I got out of my car and went to the elevator. I punched in Evelyn’s code. A few seconds later she appeared on the screen.
“What’s up, chicka?” I said. “I just stopped by to see what you were up to. Do you feel like company?”
Evelyn raked her fingers through her hair. Her eyes were shifty. I could tell something was up, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that Cedric was there with her. Why? was the real question.
“You know what,” she said, then released a fake cough. “I’m not feeling well right now, Trina. Can I call you tomorrow? I really want to get some rest.”
“No problem. I’ll call you tomorrow—or better yet, I look forward to seeing you at lunch. Until then, I hope you feel better.”
Evelyn displayed a fake smile then she disappeared from the screen. I got in my car and left. All kinds of thoughts were swarming in my head. Was I wrong for thinking that Cedric and Evelyn were fucking? I mean, why else would he be here at eight o’clock in the evening? And whatever happened to his date? Maybe she got upset with him or maybe she wasn’t his date after all. I was left with plenty of questions, but maybe they were questions that I didn’t want answers to. Kayla surely had her hands full. It was in my best interest to keep quiet and not hit her with accusations. If she said she and Cedric were getting back on the right track, I had to accept that and let them work on their marriage.
Chapter Seven
I was in bed watching TV when I heard the door squeak open. I heard his shoes hit the floor, and when Cedric stood in the doorway to my bedroom, I wasn’t surprised or excited about seeing him. The last deposit into my account had me shaken up. I had been leaving him plenty of messages, but he hadn’t returned my phone call. To say I was upset would’ve been an understatement. He could tell by the blank expression on my face that I wanted him out.
But as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, that was when someone buzzed me from outside. It was Trina. I had to hurry to the door and get rid of her. I was pleased that she didn’t question me and I was glad that she didn’t push to come in.
After turning her away, I moved away from the screen and rolled my eyes as I walked past Cedric in my white silk robe. He grabbed my wrist and swung me around.
“What in the hell is wrong with you?” he asked. “Why all the attitude?”
“You know what’s wrong with me,” I hissed. “If you don’t, check your cell phone and see. Better yet, check my account and you’ll really see.”
I snatched my wrist away from him and rushed into the bedroom. Cedric came after me and pushed me on the bed. I fell on my stomach, right on the edge of the bed. He lay on top of me, pressing his body against mine so I couldn’t move.
“I’ve been busy. I didn’t have time to answer all thirty-nine of your bullshit messages. How dare you get upset with me about money? If I could calculate all that I’ve given you, you know damn well that you have no reason to be talking shit. You make me feel as though all I’m good for is feeding your damn bank account. Can’t we get together one fucking time without you asking me for money? Just one time, Evelyn, and you don’t always have to ask to receive.”
“Shut the fuck up talking to me and get out of here. You’re not the only one who gives a lot and—”
“No, you shut the fuck up! All you give me is pussy and a goddamn headache, every time I leave here. I don’t know why I keep coming here and fucking with you like this. I’m much better off at home with Kayla. At least she don’t gripe as much as yo’ ass do.”
I tried to turn around and slap the shit out of him for comparing me to Kayla. The comparisons hurt, but as I tried to express my anger, he continued to hold me down. He lifted himself just a little and pulled my robe up to expose my ass. He then lowered himself and slithered the tip of his curled tongue down the crack of my butt. His touch tickled and felt good at the same time. My resistance stopped when he separated my butt cheeks and started to taste me while down on his knees. My breathing slowly increased and my eyes fluttered then shut.
“I—I’m so sorry for stressing you,” I whined between deep breaths. “I get—get lonely at times and I need you here with me. I want more, Cedric, waaaay more of you—this, all of it. I’m so jealous that Kayla has you, and all that you give to her and—and I wish this could be about us and she—she was no longer in the picture. You’re soooo good to me, and my puuuussy gushes over the way you make it feel. I loooove how you do that shit, and I’m . . . I’m cuuuumming!”
Cedric held my hips and licked faster as I covered his lips with my sweet icing. It took a few minutes for me to regroup then I rushed off the bed to rip off his clothes. I dropped to my knees and sucked his dick into my mouth. It soothed the back of my throat, and it wasn’t long before he sprayed my mouth with his fluids. I swallowed his energy drink then fell back on the bed. Cedric stood at the end of it and spread my legs wide. He beat his dick on my pussy to get hard again. It grew to great heights, and as he slipped it into me, he rocked our bodies at a fast pace that caused my firm breasts to wobble around. I couldn’t get enough of this man. My need for his overly satisfying dick was starting to supersede my need for his money.
Cedric spread my legs even wider and he grinded so hard that I was on the brink of cumming again. “You like this shit, don’t you, bitch!” he shouted. “I appreciate all that bullshit you be talking, but don’t be jealous. This dick ain’t goin
g nowhere but in this juicy pussy, inside of that pretty ass of yours and back in your mouth. Until then, throw that pussy to me so I can catch it.”
I threw it and Cedric caught it. We indulged ourselves that night, and by morning I could barely walk straight. I was scheduled to meet Kayla and Trina for lunch, and when I limped into the restaurant, feeling as if Cedric’s dick was still inside of me, they both stared at me.
“What’s wrong with you?” Kayla asked, wincing. “Are you all right?”
I plopped down in the chair and crossed my legs to calm the soreness. “Nothing is wrong with me. I’m just tired and my boss has been working me like crazy today.”
“Are you still sick?” Trina asked. “You looked terrible last night. I was worried about you.”
“I’m feeling a little better. I was so out of it last night. I meant to call you, but I knew I’d see you today.” I picked up the menu, looking at it. “Have y’all ordered yet? I only have five bucks on me, so I may have to order some soup or something.”
“No problem,” Kayla rushed to say. “You know I got you. Order whatever you want to.”
In that case, when the waiter came over to take our orders I ordered a cheeseburger and some fries. I hadn’t splurged like that since our dinner engagement, and I didn’t even have money to buy groceries. While we were sitting at the table, I used my phone to check my bank account status. Maybe Cedric would surprise me and throw some money in my account. But when I checked, all I saw was red. My account was at a negative thirty dollars. Payday was tomorrow, so I released a deep sigh, trying not to trip.
“Okay,” Kayla said, rubbing her hands together. “I need y’all help with something.”
She reached into her purse and pulled out several vacation brochures. “I want to surprise Ceddy with a vacation. The other day we talked about sprucing up our marriage and I think we should start with a relaxing vacation. Tell me which one of these resorts looks and sounds the most interesting. It’s been a while since we’ve been on a vacation together and he really needs one.”
Was she seriously over there bragging about a vacation when my ass was broke? She knew Trina didn’t have any money, either, and how dare Kayla be so selfish and make this lunch meeting all about her? Trina picked up the brochures to look at them, but I didn’t even bother. I pretended to be occupied with something on my phone, and then I sent Ceddy a text message, telling him how spectacular last night was.
“You can never go wrong with Hawaii,” Trina said. “But these vacation packages for Sandals look very interesting too. What do you think, Evelyn?”
“I think . . .” I paused when my phone alarmed me that I had a message. When I looked at it, Cedric had sent me a picture of his hard dick. I snickered and read his comment: Still hard, thinking about last night. Can’t wait 2 see you again!
My pussy thumped from the thought. I smiled then continued with the conversation. “As I was saying, I think Cedric wouldn’t have a good time. Instead of spending his money, why don’t you just plan something simple? Most men like to keep it simple. The vacation thing is more about you, Kayla, than it is about him.”
Her face scrunched from my comment. “No, it’s not. And it’ll do us good to get away. All I asked was for you to help me choose. I don’t think you know Cedric enough to comment on what he would or wouldn’t like. All you know about him is what I tell you.”
Was this bitch a fool or a damn fool? I knew Cedric better than she did. If she believed that he was trying to work on their marriage, I felt sorry for her. I didn’t get how a woman could spend years and years with a man, yet be so blind and not see what was going on around her. Kayla was setting herself up for a huge downfall. One day I was going to have a little pleasure of watching her come down from the high horse she had been on.
I only had an hour for lunch, but after spending thirty to forty minutes talking about what Ceddy had been up to, I was ready to go. I gobbled down my burger and finished every last fry. I was so full from eating so much that my stomach felt tight. I air-kissed Trina and Kayla’s cheeks before telling them I had to get back to work.
“You look like you need to go back home and get some rest,” Trina said. “Don’t you have some vacation time left from work?”
“I do, but my vacation isn’t scheduled until later this year. I said I’ll be fine, and I only have a few more hours left anyway.”
“Well, go ahead and get out of here,” Kayla said. “If you want me to, I’ll stop by later to bring you some soup and flu medicine. I know you say you’re fine, but you don’t look well to us.”
“Whatever, Kayla, do what you wish. I gotta go. I’ll see the two of you soon.”
I walked off, but as soon as I made it back to the office a sheen of sweat covered my forehead. My stomach felt queasy. I rushed to the bathroom and could feel vomit creeping up my throat. The toilet was piled high with my lunch and with the orange juice I drank earlier. I wiped my mouth with a napkin then splashed water on my face to cool off. I left the bathroom to tell my boss that I needed to go home, but he asked me to come into his office and close the door.
“Have a seat, Evelyn, this won’t be long.”
I took a seat and stared at Mr. Payne from across his desk. He was a grumpy old white man with a toupee sitting crookedly on his head. His gray eyes were frightening, and the buttons on his shirt were about to pop off due to his potbelly that could be seen a mile away.
“You can go home, but unfortunately, you may have to stay there. Today will be your last day. We can’t keep employing people who we consider troublemakers. We’ve gotten too many complaints about you, Evelyn. Too many and I’ve ignored those complaints for long enough.”
I sat in shock with my eyes bugged and my jaw dropped. Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked to clear them. “Complaints? What complaints are you talking about?”
“Letters that show you’ve been harassing some of your coworkers. One coworker said you keyed her car and scripted your initials, another one said you flattened her tires and wrote her a nasty letter. I don’t know what you have against the white women who work here, but this obviously isn’t the place for you.”
I seriously could have fallen out of my chair. I had no idea what he was talking about and this whole damn thing sounded like a setup. “Mr. Payne, if you received that many complaints about me, why didn’t you say anything to me? You never questioned me or gave me a warning. I have no clue what you’re talking about and I have never done anything to anyone in here. I’d like to see the letters you’re talking about. I would also like to talk to the people who complained about me. Something isn’t adding up here. I have nothing against white women, period.”
Mr. Payne reached inside of his desk drawer and pulled out two letters. He gave them to me. All I could do was shake my head. The letters referred to the women as white sluts who I hated with a passion. According to the letter, I threatened them and promised to do more damage if they told on me. The letters had my signature and it was so identical to mine that it was scary.
“This . . . this is not from me.” I wiped a slow tear that trickled down my face. “I swear it isn’t me. Why would I write something like that and then sign my name to it?”
“I don’t know, but either way, I need for you to go. We’ll investigate this more, but for now you need to vacate the premises until this matter is resolved.”
I surely wanted to tell Mr. Payne to kiss my ass, but I figured there was a possibility that I would have to come back and kiss his. It was times like this when I wished that I could afford a lawyer. EEOC was another option too. But for now, I packed up my belongings and left without causing a scene.
While in the car, I wondered who had written those letters. Who in the hell was out to get me and why? Had the white women conspired to do harm to me? They were all so jealous of me, and I saw the way many of them looked at me with jealousy in their eyes. But the other women were all haters too. I never befriended any of them. All I ever did was go to work an
d come home. My measly paychecks were nothing to brag about, and the headache all of this had caused wasn’t worth it.
For now, I needed Cedric more than I had ever needed him before. I had to ask him for more money. He was the only one who could save me. I reached for my cell phone and punched in his number.
“I’m on my way to a meeting,” he said. “Make it quick.”
“Are you coming over tonight? I need to talk to you about something very important.”
“Talk or play? I’m sure we won’t be talking all night, will we?”
“No. We can play too, just come, okay?”
“See you around eight or nine, maybe sooner. It depends on whenever I can get out of here.”
“Okay. I’ll be waiting.”
I drove home in a daze. I hoped that Cedric would be able to help me. This would be the first time I had to ask him for a staggering amount like fifty-thousand dollars to make up for the losses I was about to incur. Damn!
Chapter Eight
I tried not to poke my nose where it didn’t belong and stay out of grown-folks’ business, but sitting on the sidelines was something that I couldn’t do. I was so upset with my mother for acting as if she didn’t have any fucking sense at all and I hated my father with a passion. I saw right through his bullshit. I wondered why my mother hadn’t opened her eyes and realized how much she was getting played. This was ridiculous. I was so upset the other night when I heard the two of them fucking. I mean, what good was that going to do? What was the purpose and what kind of marriage were they representing? I was so outdone and had felt this way for a very long time. Thing is, I was told to keep my mouth shut. My mother wasn’t trying to hear it and neither was Cedric. That’s why I was doing what I could do to change this situation around and it started with Evelyn.
A blind person could see that she was fucking around with my father. Anyone paying attention would know and it was as if neither of them cared who found out. I’d seen them at dinners, at her house, at his office, and even at my house. She had the audacity to come into our home to fuck my father, and when my mother went to Atlanta last year, that same night, Evelyn was there. They thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t. I saw it all, as I had seen it every time I went somewhere with my father. I didn’t understand his obsession with women. It was as if he could never get enough.