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BFF's Page 11
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Page 11
“I don’t need your approval; after all, I am a grown woman who will make my own decisions. After what happened today, I felt obligated to come clean about my situation, so that’s why I’m here.”
Kayla’s eyes grew wider. “Obligated? Girl, please. The only reason you came clean was because you got busted in the midst of screwing the first lady. Don’t stand there like you came here to express all this crap to me because our friendship means so much to you. The bottom line is, if it did, you had years . . . plenty of years to tell me what was going on with you. I’ve been running around here with you, claiming you as my best friend and I really don’t know much about you. How many other women are you screwing at our church? I’m sure they all probably think I’m some kind of gay trick too.”
Kayla’s harsh words stung. I looked at her and made myself clear. “This conversation is over. I tried to get at you like a for-real woman would, but I see that you’re so fucking bitter at your husband right now that your mind is real twisted. I’m going to get out of here before I disrespect you, as you have clearly disrespected me. Have a nice life, Kayla. I’ll be praying that everything works out for you.”
I turned to walk toward the door.
“Don’t pray for me, pray for yourself,” she shouted. “Pray that you get your head on straight and that God can deliver you from being a lesbian.”
Unfortunately, she touched a nerve. I turned around and let her have it. “I would rather be a lesbian any day of the week than be a dumb, disease-infected bitch who allows her husband to fuck all over her. Get your own house in order before you start running up in mine, trying to advise me on the best way to conduct myself. Good-bye, Kayla, and good riddance.”
I walked out, telling myself that I would never, ever speak to her again.
Chapter Twelve
I called. He wouldn’t answer. I left messages. He wouldn’t respond. I didn’t want to go to their house because Kayla was there, so the only place I could reach Cedric was at his office. I was pissed. After Kayla left my place and told me about the disease incident, I rushed to my doctor this morning, only for her to tell me the same thing. This fool had given me chlamydia and now he didn’t have anything to say about it. I still hadn’t had time to tell him about the baby either. There was so much mess going on, and Kayla had the nerve to be running around here looking for sympathy and wanting some attention. I was still waiting for her to swing some money my way. As of yet, she hadn’t given me one dime.
I knew darn well where I could get some money from, and Cedric was a fool if he thought he was going to dismiss me. He didn’t know who he was messing with. I wasn’t a passive trick like his wife was. I thought he knew that, but maybe he needed to be reminded once again.
I entered the lobby with my dark shades on. My hair was pulled back into a thick, curly ponytail. My makeup was painted on like artwork and I was rocking some bright red lipstick that moistened my lips. The fitted sleeveless dress I wore appeared melted on my small curves, and I stepped like a model in my five-inch heels. I lowered my shades, peering over them to look at the blonde-haired receptionist who always had an attitude.
“Would you let Cedric Thompson know that his baby’s mama is here to see him?”
The receptionist’s eyes grew wide. She picked up the phone and buzzed Cedric on speakerphone. “Excuse me, Mr. Thompson. A woman is here to see you. Is it okay for me to send her to your office?”
“What woman? Is it my wife? If so, you need to call security.”
“No, it’s not your wife. But the woman says that she’s your . . . uh . . . baby’s mama.”
Cedric paused then told the receptionist to buzz the door and let me through. I hadn’t noticed the door before. Obviously, it was something new. I swished my hips from side to side as I made my way to Cedric’s office. The door was wide open, and when I walked inside he was gazing out of the window with his hands in his pockets. He looked dynamite in a brown tailored suit, but too darn bad his dick was shooting fire.
“Close my door,” he said without looking in my direction. I closed the door then proceeded forward and removed my glasses.
“I guess you already know that you’re on my shit list and why, right?” I said.
“I don’t give a damn about your shit list. And just so you know, you’re on mine too.”
I folded my arms across my chest. “For what? Please tell me why my name would be on your list then I’ll tell you a gazillion reasons why yours is on mine.”
Cedric turned to face me. His eyes scanned me up and down, before he walked up to me and stood within inches. “Because you’re a fucking slut, that’s why. And if you came here to tell me about your baby, I don’t want to hear about it. Tell Marc to step up and be a man. I hope he’s capable of providing for you, and all I can say is the two of you deserve each other.”
He came off as a little jealous, causing me to reach out and slap his ass. He caught my hand in midair. He shoved me backward and I stumbled. “Don’t bring that bullshit in here today, woman! I’m not in the mood! Since we’re done talking, you can get the fuck out of here. Don’t come back unless I invite you to.”
I was very disturbed by Cedric’s tone and his actions. He was showing his ass, but I wouldn’t dare let him see how hurt I was by what he’d said.
“When all is said and done, this child is yours and you know it. Marc doesn’t have to step up because, eventually, you’ll have to do it. In a big way, I may add, so prepare yourself to deal with it. And one more thing before I go. No, two more things: Spreading diseases around town ain’t really cool, and that nasty dick of yours will never get to touch this pussy again. If you even think about making things hard for me, I will go to your wife and tell her everything I know. I will make your life miserable, Cedric, so you’d better think long and hard about how you intend to play your hand going forward. Meanwhile, I’m broke. I need some money. I hope you don’t mind kicking me out a little something, especially after all I’ve done for you.”
Cedric leaned against his desk with a sly smirk on his face. “You’re a real piece of work, Evelyn, and I finally get why I started fucking with you. I got a couple of things to add before you go too, so listen up real good because I’m not going to repeat myself again. You can tell Kayla whatever it is that you want to. I don’t give a fuck, and our marriage has been over with for quite some time. Whatever you tell her won’t matter to me not one bit. The baby, mine or not, will be better off aborted. Besides, I don’t have kids with whores and I will never take care of a child who belongs to one.
“Finally, pertaining to your little situation with chlamydia, why are you and Kayla running up in here like the sky is falling and it’s a big deal? Go pop some damn pills to clear that shit up and be done with it. It’s not the end of the world and some people get caught slipping from time to time. I could tell something wasn’t right with that other pussy when I was in it, and believe me when I say I feel awful for making you swallow, and, uh—well, you know what freaky you did. Anyway, forgive me. When we both get cleared up, maybe you’ll have a change of heart and let me hit it again. Call me when you’re ready. You know where to find me.”
Cedric winked and walked around his desk. He picked up his phone, holding it in his hand. “Work without play is no good. I’m done playing, so now I need to get back to work. Get the fuck out of my office. If I have to listen to one more word from you, I’ll have you removed from this building.”
Okay. So I thought I was a bad bitch, but Cedric had the last word. As soon as I opened my mouth, security came and escorted me out. I still had so much to get off my chest, but it wasn’t getting off anytime soon. I had to rethink my approach to this situation. It started with going to see Kayla so I could see where things between her and Cedric now stood.
I swerved in and out of traffic while trying to reach Kayla on my cell phone. I hadn’t spoken to her since she’d left my place the other day. Whenever I called her home phone, Jacoby told me s
he wasn’t there. I wondered if Trina knew where she was, but when I questioned her she had an attitude.
“No, I don’t know her whereabouts, and quite frankly, I don’t care.”
“Since when? Have the two of you had some differences again?”
“Yes we have. This time, however, I don’t think we’re going to be able to repair our friendship. Kayla said some things to me that I didn’t appreciate, so I’m going to leave her alone and let her do her.”
“How many times have the two of you been down this road before? Y’all always make up and you know she’s dealing with some crazy stuff right now. I don’t get why you’re tripping. We’ve been up and down throughout our friendship, and the least you can do is try to understand her situation and be there for her.”
I was feeding Trina a bunch of bull. I liked when her and Kayla were at each other’s throats. It was kind of hilarious to me, and they always tried to get me to pick sides.
“I hear what you’re saying, but it’s not like you’ve actually been there for her either, have you? Every time I talk to you, you’re too busy and you don’t seem to have time for me or Kayla.”
“I have my own problems to deal with, Trina. You know I still haven’t found a job and I’m looking forward to meeting with you so I can hear about that lead you mentioned. And I also didn’t tell you this yet, but I’m pregnant. That’s why I’ve been acting so standoffish. I have a lot of things on my mind, okay?”
“I’m surprised to hear you’re pregnant. Congratulations to you. Do you know who the father is?”
“Hell, yes, I know who the father is. Why would you ask me that? Like . . . like I’m some type of confused whore who’s been sleeping around with a bunch of men.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, but you have talked about several men that you’ve been seeing. Plus . . .” Trina paused for a few seconds. “Never mind. I got this lady over here who wants to buy some artwork. I’ll call you later, all right?”
“Yeah, whatever, Trina. I wish you would be clear about what you want to say and stop beating around the bush.”
“I don’t want to assume anything and hurt your feelings. I could be wrong about this, but tell me the truth and be honest. Have you been having sex with Cedric?”
I didn’t dare respond yet. I wanted to tell Trina what I had been doing, but now wasn’t the right time. “I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but I am highly offended by you asking me that. What kind of person do you think I am, Trina? I would never stoop low like that and have sex with my best friend’s husband. Are you crazy for asking me something like that?”
“Maybe I am, but like I said, I gotta go.”
She hung up on me. I couldn’t help but to wonder where she had gotten her information from. I assumed that nobody knew about me and Cedric but us. I guessed Trina had been speculating, but she was definitely on to something.
Kayla had been missing in action, but while Cedric’s foolish self was still at work I drove by their house to see if she was there. She wasn’t, but Jacoby was outside washing his car. The music was blasting and he had on a pair of sagging jeans that showed his drawers. A wife-beater displayed the muscles in his arms, but there weren’t many muscles to get me hyped. Jacoby was thin and very tall. He was a handsome young man, and I couldn’t help but sit in my car for a few minutes, thinking if I wanted to include him in my next plan. I put my shades back on and got out of my car. I swayed my hips, locking his attention as he kept his eyes on me.
“Hi, Jacoby. I’ve been trying to reach your mother. Do you know where she is?”
“Yep,” he said, then bent over to swirl the soapy rag on his car.
“Do you have any idea when she’s coming home?”
“No, I don’t.”
I sighed, because I didn’t appreciate how short he was with me. “Listen. I know she probably told you not to let anyone disturb her, but she needs us right now. The last thing Kayla needs is to be cooped up somewhere without family and friends. I would like to see her. Therefore, I would appreciate if you would tell me where I can find my best friend.”
“Sorry, but I have specific rules to follow, and I’m going to follow them. All I can say is she checked out of one hotel and is now in another one.”
“Which one, is the question. Please tell me.”
Jacoby shook his head, signaling no. He continued to wash around his car, then he headed inside with several dirty rags in his hands. I followed behind him, still trying to persuade him to tell me where Kayla was.
“Jacoby, why are you ignoring me? You know how close your mother and me are. Don’t you know that she needs me? What if she’s suicidal and needs somebody to talk to? I’m sure you know the condition she’s in, especially if you’ve been speaking to her.”
Jacoby tossed the dirty rags in the trash can, and then he looked underneath the sink and got a few more clean ones. He held them in his hand and turned to face me. “I have been speaking to her every day. And you know what, Evelyn? She sounds like she’s doing okay. All she needed to do was get away from my father for a while. Maybe she’ll be able to rethink some things and do what is right for her future.”
“Lord knows I hope you’re right. She has gotten herself in a real big mess and this doesn’t look like it’s going to be an easy fix.”
Jacoby shrugged as if he didn’t care. He stood silent for a minute. His eyes narrowed like Cedric’s often did sometimes. I stepped up closer to Jacoby, leaving very little breathing room in between us.
“You know what,” I said in a soft tone. “You’re looking more and more like your father every day. You had better be careful with that, because that would put you in a position to have any and everything you could possibly want.”
Jacoby displayed a smug look on his face, identical to Cedric. “So, let me get this straight. You’re saying that I have it going on just like my father does? Really?”
“You sure do. And let me repeat myself again: That means you can have anything you want. All you have to do is ask for it.”
Jacoby inched forward, this time leaving no space between us. My breasts were pressed against his chest. I could feel his muscle swelling against me. Our eyes stayed locked together, and I was surprised when he slipped his arm around my waist.
“Anything,” he said in a whisper.
I nodded and confirmed my words. “Anything. Especially for a young man who wears a size thirteen shoe.”
“Fourteen,” Jacoby said, while lifting me on the island. He parted my legs then moved in between them. The direction of his eyes dropped to my lips and mine dropped to his. I reached out to grab the back of his head, but as I leaned in to seal a kiss, he backed his head up.
“I—I can’t help but to think about what positions I would like to put you in, Evelyn, but maybe I should let you decide.”
Jacoby reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He turned it so I could see the pictures, and to my surprise, there were pictures of Cedric having sex with other women.
“What about that position?” Jacoby said, flipping through the pictures. “That’s a good one right there. Or how about this one?”
My face was already cracked and had hit the floor. I looked at the picture of Cedric and me having sex. It was in his bedroom when Kayla was away in Atlanta.
“I say we go upstairs to my parents’ bedroom and get busy. What say you?”
I jumped down from the island to gather myself. Jacoby was playing games with me and I certainly didn’t appreciate it. “I say, you can take all of those pictures and shove them. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but you’re way out of your league.”
I tried to move, but he remained in front of me. “I think I’m playing this game quite well for my age, and even though I may be my father’s son, I don’t want anything to do with his whores. What may be good for him is not good enough for me. So all I’m going to ask you to do is get the hell out of my mother’s house and please figure ou
t a way to check yourself on the major disrespect.”
I was highly upset by the way he spoke to me, but he would never know it. I switched to my game face and displayed a smile.
“You mean, your father’s house, because your mother’s name is not even on it. And at least we agree that I have been good to your father. Sometimes, leftovers are. You can’t knock it if you haven’t tried it—and with that, I’m on my way home. If your mother calls, please tell her to reach out to me. And if you by chance have a change of heart about me, my door is always open.”
Jacoby didn’t respond. He just stared at me. That was when the smirk appeared and something eerie was trapped in his eyes. “How’s the job coming along, Evelyn? You’ve been rather busy. I wondered if you were able to find another job yet.”
“Why are you concerned about my job? I see your mother has been over here running her mouth again.”
“No, honestly, she hasn’t. I heard about your troubles through someone else. It’s a shame what happened to you on your job and I hope you’re about to find another one.”
Jacoby walked off, leaving me puzzled about how he knew so much. First, the pictures of me and Cedric alarmed me. Then, with him bringing up my job, something wasn’t adding up with this.
“Are you the one responsible for what happened on my job?” I asked.
Jacoby snickered and slapped the rag against his hand. “Ding-ding. I guess you are somewhat bright after all. It took you a minute, but you finally got it. You didn’t think I was going to stand by and let you make me and my mother’s life miserable, without you suffering any consequences, did you? And trust me when I say this is just the beginning, especially if you don’t do the right thing and end your friendship with my mother and stop fucking my dad. I know it’s going to be difficult for you to tear yourself away from him, but believe me when I say he’s no good for you. You deserve better, Evelyn. I do mean that from the bottom of my heart.”