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No Justice No Peace Page 2
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“Couldn’t you wait?” she whispered.
“I just wanted to feel it. Haven’t felt it in a long time and I wanted to make sure it was exactly how I left it.”
“I don’t know about all that, but whoever’s been there lately, don’t stand a chance now that you’re back.”
In broad daylight, Ginger pulled over to the curb and reached to unzip my pants. She pulled my dick from my pants, covering it with her mouth. The wetness of her sopping mouth and her lips tightening on my head, made me come quickly. I gripped the back of her neck and held it until she swallowed the last drop. My breathing was heavy and it took me a minute to calm myself.
Ginger lifted her head and wiped across her mouth. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way,” she said, zipping my pants. “I have another surprise waiting for you.”
“I can’t see it being any better than that.”
She chuckled, but her surprise was to show me the new place she’d gotten. She still lived in East St. Louis, but this townhouse was slightly bigger. As we walked through the door, she had black and silver balloons all over the living room with a banner that said welcome home. I was truly touched, but since Desmon was still nowhere in sight, I was a bit disappointed. I reached for Ginger’s hand and kissed the back of it.
“You are so sweet, and thank you for making me feel at home.”
“Anything for you, Mr. Kiley Jacoby Abrams. Now, what would you like for dinner?”
“Whatever you feel up to cooking is fine with me. Anything…except red meat. Chicken is fine, but I don’t eat red meat anymore. Besides, whatever you cook, I’m sure it’ll beat what I’ve been served.”
She threw her hand back. “Baby, that’s over and done with. You don’t ever have to worry about going back to that place again.”
Ginger smiled and gave me a quick tour of her new place. It was cool, but with all the money Rufus said he’d sent, I thought it would be a lot better. She still had some of the old furniture from her previous place and the only difference was the townhouse had a basement. What pissed me off more than anything was how cluttered it was. Ginger had never been a good housekeeper and for a woman who barely worked, she knew better. As for the basement, she said that Desmon’s room took up most of that. When I asked if I could go see it, she told me to feel free.
Before I went downstairs to check out his room, I stayed in the kitchen and watched Ginger cook dinner for us. She rambled on and on about her friends and family, but I couldn’t get my mind off what I felt between her legs today. She’d definitely been fucking somebody, and the slight stench that came from it, implied recently. It wasn’t like I expected her to be celibate since I’d been gone. Then again, maybe I wished she had. She was still as sexy as the day I left, and proving that to me, she wore a tight blue jean ruffled skirt that hugged her fat ass and clung well to her curvy hips. The tiny red tank shirt she had on showed her midriff and squeezed her breasts closely together. She had long micro braids that hung down her back, and since they were clearly away from her face, anybody could see how beautiful she really was.
When she snapped her fingers in my face, I was in another world.
“Kiley, what is wrong with you? You’ve been too quiet.”
“I’m just thinking, baby, that’s all.”
“Thinking about what?” she said, and then walked back over by the stove to check on the grilled chicken that was smoking up the kitchen.
I removed my shirt, laying it on the kitchen table. I stood shirtless and undid the top button on the pair of 501 wide-legged Levis’ I wore. Ginger turned around, scanning my muscular frame from head to toe. By the look in my seductive eyes, she could tell what was on my mind.
“Do…don’t you want to eat something first? I figured you’d be awfully hungry.”
I shrugged. “You guessed right, because I am hungry.”
I walked over and turned the knob on the stove off. Then I eased Ginger’s skirt above her hips and pulled her panties down. She stepped out of them, quickly turning around. She placed her hands on top of the counter next to the stove and bent slightly over. I stood close behind and unzipped my pants. I pulled my throbbing manhood out, beating it against her perfect ass. My dick became hard as a rock.
“I don’t know whether to stick my dick in you right now, or taste your pussy.”
Giving me a hint, she reached back for my goods. “Just fuck me. Now!” She helped me maneuver my thick meat into her, but my legs instantly weakened. I dug my nails into her hips.
“I…I’m about to come,” I said, shaking while taking deep strokes inside of her. “I can’t help it!”
She leaned over further, damn near touching her toes. I widened her ass cheeks, and quickly filled up her insides with my juices. I took deep breaths while still holding her hips.
“I hope you’re not upset with me,” I said, panting.
My dick flopped from her soaking pussy, as she turned to face me. “No, Kiley, I’m not upset. I know you’ll make it up to me—soon. If anything, we’re just preparing ourselves, right?”
I nodded, gave Ginger a kiss on the cheek, and zipped my pants. After we wiped up in the bathroom, she started on dinner again and I headed downstairs to check out Desmon’s room.
The basement muggy, and had one small window so it was hard for me to see. When I reached for the light switch, it didn’t even work. I saw a lamp next to his twin sized waterbed, so I reached for it and turned the light on. I figured by looking around his room, I could learn something about him. Long hanging black beads covered the doorway, and posters of Bob Marley hung on damn near every wall. Along side of them, were pictures of naked women and ashtrays with smoked blunts in them were on the floor. Since he played football, he had trophy’s everywhere and a plaque that named him last year’s most valuable player. I saw a few framed pictures on his entertainment center, but none of them was of me. He had one of Ginger, and the other had to be of his friends, and possibly a girlfriend. She was rather attractive, and since the Abrams men pretty much had good taste in women, I was sure there was some type of connection with her. Lastly, I opened his closet and finally knew where all the money Rufus sent had been spent. He had all kinds of name brand clothes and shoes that filled the closet to its capacity. I couldn’t believe it, and as I reached for one of his leather jackets, a letter fell out. When I opened the letter, so I thought, it was actually his report card from last quarter. He had three D’s and three F’s. Days missed showed 28 and GPA wasn’t worth a damn. It was obvious that neither was the school for allowing him to play football.
I folded the report card to put it back into his pocket, and that’s when another light came on. I quickly turned my head, seeing Desmon standing at the bottom stair. He stared at me with his hazel eyes and I stared back. My heart raced at a fast pace, as I felt Kareem looking in my direction. Desmon slowly walked over by me, and without saying a word, he closed his closet.
I stood shirtless and held my arms out. “Can I get a hug, a hello or something?”
“Can I get you to stay the fuck out of my room?” he barked.
I cocked my head back. “Well, damn. I was just trying to check you out, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t need to be checked out.” He took his NYC cap and jacket off, tossing them on the bed. He then picked up his basketball, fell back on the bed and twirled the ball on his finger.
“So, I see you like basketball too, huh?” I said. He gave me a blank stare, rolled his eyes and continued to twirl the ball. I folded my arms in front of me. “What’s your beef, Desmon? I’m not gonna kiss your ass to find out, but I’m curious to know. I’ve tried to contact…”
“I ain’t got no muthafucking beef—so there. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like some privacy.”
“I do mind. We need to get a few things straight—right here and right now. Whether you like it or not, I am your father. You will respect me and…”
“Man, please,” he said, waving me off and getting of
f the bed. “Gone on out of here with that bullshit. You need to…”
His tone didn’t sit right with me, so I jumped in his face. “I need to what!” I yelled, then pushed him back on the bed. He quickly hopped back up and stood in front of me. A tad bit shorter, he touched his buffed chest against mine.
“You need to get out of my room like I asked you to!”
Just then, Ginger came rushing down the steps. She ran over and grabbed my arm. “Just let it be, Kiley. Baby, please don’t put your hands on him. Not now, okay?”
“Not never,” Desmon shouted and stepped away from in front of me.
My face was twisted and I was confused. “What is wrong with this fool, Ginger?”
“Nigga, what’s wrong with you?”
I tightened my fist, and before I could punch him, Ginger held me back. “Please! You’re only going to make matters worse.”
“I will not be talked to like that, Ginger! What are you raising…a fuckin’ animal or something?”
“On that note,” Desmon said, reaching for a gun underneath his pillow. He placed it behind his back, and down inside his pants. “Mama, I’ll see you later. This animal you raised needs to go search for his prey.” He walked away and hurried up the steps.
“You do that, muthafucka!” I yelled. “And next time…”
I heard the door slam. I took a deep breath and slammed my fist against my hand.
“I can’t believe that shit just happened,” I said, looking at Ginger.
“Baby, I told you…he is out of control. I don’t know what is wrong with Desmon.”
I frowned, somewhat mad at Ginger for not handling her business. “What do you mean by you don’t know what is wrong with him?”
“I mean, I haven’t a clue why he talks like he does, why he doesn’t come home…”
“Why he smokes marijuana, gets bad grades in school, skips school on a regular basis, and has unprotected sex quite often. I’ve been in his room for ten fuckin’ minutes and I can tell what kind of damn fool you’re raising and why! Don’t stand there and give me that lame ass excuse that you haven’t a clue as to why he acts the way he does! You know damn well why!”
Ginger put her hand on her hip and dropped her jaw. “Don’t you dare stand there and yell at me like I haven’t tried to do nothing about him! I’ve tried, Kiley, but Desmon will not listen to…”
“Then make him listen, goddamn it! Put your foot in his ass and make him listen!”
“Fine,” she said, turning to walk away. “Since you’re here now, you can call the shots! I don’t know about you, but I want to keep my life! Desmon gets so angry sometimes…”
“Are you telling me you’re afraid of him? Is that what you’re saying?”
“All I’m saying is he’s out of control.”
I shook my head with disgust. “You’re more pathetic than I thought! How in the hell can a mother be afraid of her own damn son! I can’t believe you, Ginger.” I walked by her. “Damn, I can’t believe you.”
I went upstairs and walked right past the food on the table that she’d cooked for me. I went into the bathroom and closed the door. In deep thought, I sat on the edge of the tub and ran my bath water. Ginger knocked, but I asked her to leave me in peace.
After taking a lengthy bath, I wrapped a towel around my waist and carried my clothes into the bedroom. Ginger sat naked in bed with her knees pressed against her chest. She looked at me and wiped a tear that had fallen from her face.
“I did not expect for our first day back together to end up like this. Desmon needs you Kiley, but you can’t expect to come here and change things overnight. Please don’t fully blame me for the way he is. Your not being here contributed to his actions as well, and I did the best I knew how without you.”
I tossed my clothes in a chair and sat on the edge of the bed. Hurt by my own son’s words, I rubbed my face with my hands. Ginger came up from behind and massaged her hands deeply into my shoulders.
“I’m sorry,” I softly said. “I shouldn’t have come to you like that, but I was hurt by his rejection.”
“Don’t let it stress you. Things will work out. Let’s just get some rest and deal with it tomorrow.”
Ginger scooted back on the bed. After I took the towel from around me, I crawled in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her thighs. Her legs fell far apart and she rubbed my baldhead and neck with her hands. I gave her much pleasure, and unable to remain in the same position, she laid back and tightly gripped the sheets.
“It’s a good thing you haven’t lost your touch,” she moaned. “Welcome home, baby, welcome home!”
Ginger and I had been at it for hours. And afterwards, I lay naked on my back with her lying naked between my legs. The squeaking ceiling fan turned in circles, blowing cool air on us. I rubbed up and down her back to comfort her.
“I’m beat,” she mumbled. “My insides are killing me.”
“I had no intentions on hurting your insides. My job is to only make it feel good.”
“Oh, I’m feeling good. I feel like a million dollars, lying between the legs of this big hunk of a man I got. I don’t know what to say about your body, but it…it’s got it going on! I can’t believe how much I still can’t handle you, though.”
“You will,” I said, continuing to rub her back. “Now that I dropped that heavy load, next time I’ll be gentle.”
Ginger gave off a soft snicker, and shortly after, fell off to sleep. As usual, I couldn’t sleep a wink. I continued in deep thought about Desmon, and by the time I heard him come through the door, it was almost five o’clock in the morning. I wanted to go fuck him up, but instead, I thought hard about how to handle my situation with him going forward.
Chapter Two
By six o’clock in the morning, I was out of bed. I moved Ginger over to the side and went to the living room to do my morning sit-ups. After I finished those, I slid into my gray sweat pants and white wife beater that was in my duffle bag. I didn’t have many clothes to wear, but I did have something to workout in. I opened the front door, squinting from the bright sun. It was nearing the end of summer, and on a Saturday morning, I could tell many were still in bed. I started a quick jog around the neighborhood.
For the most part, it was pretty quiet. The area had gone down a lot and there were more vacant houses since the last time I’d been around. Liquor stores were all over the place and I must have jogged by at least seven new churches that were on nearly every corner. In addition to that, I’d passed a few prostitutes that hung out early as well. One approached me as I walked into a convenience store to get some bottled water. I said “no thanks” for her services and she walked away.
While in the store, I opened up the freezer and grabbed a 20 oz. bottle of cold ice mountain water. I could see the Arab who worked at the counter, eyes search me as I walked through the store and looked for nothing else. I was just fucking with him because it pissed me off how they insisted on watching a Black mans every move. I made my way to the counter, and a Latina woman: pretty face, smooth light skin, wavy long hair, and fairly decent body, quickly caught my attention. She held two gallons of milk in her hand and a box of cereal. I walked up to her, as she struggled to hold everything.
“Would you like some help with that?” I asked.
She eyeballed me up and down. “Sure. Thank you.”
I took both gallons of milk from her and carried them to the counter. She placed the cereal on the counter and the clerk rang up her items. She paid him, then turned around and thanked me again.
I shrugged. “Ay, no problem.”
She smiled and removed the heavy bag from the counter. After she walked out, I paid for my water and left.
I gulped down the water in no time and headed back for home. On my way, I saw the Latina woman again, as she walked with the heavy groceries in her hand. Wanting to offer my help again, I quickly jogged up next to her. She turned and looked frightened.
sp; “I didn’t mean to scare you, but ain’t that bag kind of heavy?”
“No, it’s okay. I got it.” She continued to walk, intending to ignore me. The cool breeze blew her wavy curls in front of her face and she reached up to move them away. Awfully fine, I thought, and then I turned around and walked backwards in front of her.
“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?”
“But, I do mind you asking,” she said with a little snap in her voice.
“Okay. My name is Kiley. Kiley Abrams to be exact.”
She didn’t say anything and continued to walk. As the bag seemed to get heavier for her, she stopped and handed it to me. I reached for it and held it in my arms.
“So, you want me to carry your bag, but you’re not going to tell me your name?”
“Yep,” she said. We continued to walk side by side. When we reached her apartment complex, she dug in her purse for her keys. She jiggled them in her hand and looked at me with her dark brown slanted eyes.
“Thank you, Mr. Kiley.”
“Anytime.” I gave the bag to her and turned to walk away.
I’d barely made it to the end of the street, before she loudly yelled my name. I quickly turned.
“What’s up?” I yelled from a short distance.
“It’s, Onna Lopez.”
“What?” I said, and then walked closer to hear her.
“I said…my name is Onna.”
“Do you mean Anna?”
“Yes. However you’d like to pronounce it. But, it’s Onna.”
I winked. “Okay, Anna. Thanks for telling me your name and have a good day.”
“You too.” She opened the door and I ran off to continue my jog.
By 7:30 a.m., I was back at home. Ginger was still in bed asleep and I knew Desmon was still resting after coming in at five in the morning.
I showered, then sat in the living room, flipping through the newspaper in search of a job. That task took up less than fifteen minutes of my time. Everybody wanted experience, and since I didn’t have any, it seemed to be a waste of time. Not only that, but most companies wanted a drug test and said a background check was needed too. Bullshit, I thought, so I placed the paper on the floor. I used the remote to turn the television on, and lit the unfinished joint that was in the astray in front of me. I took a few hits and leaned back on the couch. My thoughts were on Desmon, money and some mo pussy. I’d thought about how good Ginger was to me last night, how I knew once Jada found out I was out we’d soon make up for lost time, and Anna. What a sight for early morning eyes she was. Always being very observant to my surroundings, I could tell she didn’t have much money by the Plain-Jane ass sundress she wore, her worn down sandals, and the apartment complex said the rest. Kid or Kids? Yes, I was sure that’s who all the milk was for. And a soon to be sex partner? Without a doubt. I could tell she was interested by the way her eyes flirted.