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Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It Page 2
Naughty 3: It's Juicy, No Matter How You Slice It Read online
Page 2
“If you insist. Just make sure you eat something later. I know you’re trying to avoid looking like me with all this meat on my bones, but you have to eat for the baby.”
“I’ll eat something later, especially if you make a pot roast. I’ll be the first to dive into it.”
We laughed as Jaylin came into the kitchen. Nanny B handed him some orange juice and he took a seat at the table next to Mackenzie. He played with her and Barbie. After I excused myself from the table, he finally said something to me.
“Say, uh, I forgot where you said you were going,” he said.
“I didn’t say.”
Nanny B shifted her eyes from me to him. Obviously, she could cut the tension with a knife. “She’s going to the doctor, and she shouldn’t be going alone. I’m taking Mackenzie to get some toys, and before I come back, I’m stopping at Nokea’s house to get LJ. Jaylin, since that leaves you with nothing to do, why don’t you go to the doctor with Scorpio?”
“Uh-uh, Nanny B,” I declined. “That won’t be necessary. Besides, I’m going shopping after I leave the doctor’s office.”
Jaylin scooted the chair back. “Then that’s my cue. I don’t need you spending any more of my money, so let me go put on some clothes right now.”
I rolled my eyes as Jaylin hurried out of the kitchen to change clothes.
Nanny B glared at me. “What’s going on with the two of you now?”
“Trust me, you don’t even want to know. Besides, I’m sure Jaylin will tell you all about it. I really don’t have the energy to discuss it right now.”
“Well, whenever you feel like talking, just know I’m here.”
I kissed her and Mackenzie on their cheeks and told them I’d be home by the time they made it back.
As I was about to back out of the driveway, Jaylin ran outside, shirtless.
“Damn, can’t you wait? I said I was going,” he griped while pulling the shirt over his head.
“Well, hurry up.”
I unlocked the door so he could get in. “I’m a little nervous about you driving my car. Do you mind pulling over so I can drive?” he asked.
“I’ve driven your car before, so what’s the problem all of a sudden?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. You tell me. You’ve been on this . . . this emotional roller coaster, and I don’t want you messing up my Porsche ’cause you’re upset with me.”
I pulled over to the side of the road. “You don’t have any sympathy for me, do you? Not only that, but you haven’t a clue what I’m going through.”
“Yes, I really do. But how can I fix things if you won’t even listen or talk to me?”
I folded my arms. “So, okay, I guess you want to tell me Daisha is pregnant by you, right?”
“Yes, she is. If you hadn’t stayed in Denver fucking around for as long as you did, then maybe—”
“Maybe, my ass. If I were here in St. Louis at the time, she’d still be pregnant. Besides, I wasn’t in Denver last night when you took it upon yourself to go fuck her.”
“Why are you assuming that I slept with her last night?”
“Because you did! Don’t sit there and try to lie about it, Jaylin.”
“I should plead the fifth, but I was under the influence of alcohol. I had just found out yesterday that she was pregnant too, and I didn’t want anybody’s feelings to get hurt.”
“So screwing her was your way of making sure she didn’t get hurt?”
“No, I didn’t go there to fuck her. I went there to find out about my child. I passed out on the floor, and, uh, things kind of . . . you know.”
“No, I don’t know. Things kind of what?”
“I can’t remember. I told you I passed out.”
“So, she initiated sex, not you?”
“Yes, she did.”
I tooted my lips. “Are you trying to tell me this woman raped you?”
“No, but she was very persistent.”
“In other words, you knew that you were about to get some.”
“Sort of.”
“Don’t bullshit around with me, Jaylin. Did you want to have sex with her or not? Yes or no, and I’ll leave it at that.”
He smiled and winked at me. “You promise?”
“Yes, I promise.”
“Then yes, Scorpio, I wanted to have sex with her.”
“Why?” I screamed and slammed my hand against the steering wheel. “Why, when I give you everything that you need?”
“I can’t answer that because you just made me a promise. You said that after I told you, you would leave the situation alone.”
“I know what I said, but I will never understand you. For the past few months, we’ve been so happy, and now you’ve messed up our relationship for one night in the sack with another woman. Accepting the baby is one thing, but allowing this relationship between you and her to continue is—”
He reached over and put his fingers on my lips. “Listen. All I can say is it won’t happen again. I tripped and I’m sorry.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out my engagement ring. “Now, would you please put this back on?” I snatched the ring from his hand and looked at it. “I’m entitled to a few mistakes, aren’t I?” he asked.
“Zero,” I said, giving it back to him. “That ring means nothing to me if you’re not going to be right.”
Jaylin put the ring back in his pocket and I got out of the car to let him drive.
When we got to the doctor’s office, he stayed in the waiting area to finish his phone conversation with Stephon. I was called to one of the examination rooms. When Doctor Birch came in, he patted my leg.
“How have you been feeling, Scorpio?”
“I’ve been okay. I haven’t been as hungry as I thought I would be. Sometimes I feel as if I have to force myself to eat.”
He gazed over my chart. “You haven’t picked up much weight, and for you to be . . . nearly five months.”
My heart dropped to my stomach. It couldn’t be, I thought. “Four. I thought it was four.”
“No, five. The ultrasound showed your conception date to be roughly in November.”
“No, I thought you said December.”
“I don’t think so, because according to this chart,”—he showed me the chart—“I wrote down November. I could be wrong, so we’ll set up another ultrasound today and go from there.”
“Thank you.”
When Dr. Birch walked out, I couldn’t help but think about my time in Denver.
Jaylin came in and interrupted my thoughts. Seeing that I was naked underneath the white gown, he got on the examination table and playfully kissed me.
“Come on,” he said, unzipping his pants. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten down on an examination table.”
“And you never will, so get up.”
“Damn, you ain’t no fun. All I need is five minutes.”
I thought he was playing, until I looked down and saw how hard he was. “You can get that thing up anywhere, can’t you? I can’t believe you’re serious about this.”
“Don’t I—I mean my dick look serious? Shit, I ain’t playing.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, and when Jaylin walked over to the door and locked it, I knew just how serious he was. He aimed Monster Dick in my direction and stood at the end of the table. He noticed the stirrups and pulled them out.
“Damn,” he said, laughing. “I have always wanted to do this shit.”
I was kind of curious myself, but I was still upset with Jaylin for what he’d done. Deep down, I knew he loved me, but he sometimes had a funny way of showing it. Today, I wasn’t giving in to him. There was no way I could see myself opening my legs to him after what had happened between him and Daisha.
When Doctor Birch and his nurse came back in, Jaylin was on his phone and I was reading a magazine. Doctor Birch said he was ready to do my ultrasound, so I asked Jaylin if he wouldn’t mind leaving the room.
“Why? I wanna see the baby too.”
�I’ll show you the picture later. I don’t want you to know what sex it is. Please . . . let it be a surprise, okay?”
He pecked my lips. “You’re lucky I love you like that. I’ll be in the waiting area, and if not, look for me in the car.”
“Will do.”
Jaylin left, and Dr. Birch and his nurse continued with my ultrasound. After all was said and done, he confirmed the baby I carried was conceived nearly twenty weeks ago, which put me in Denver, Colorado at the time. In shock, I dropped my head and let the tears fall because I knew there was no way in hell this baby was Jaylin’s. It had to be Rick’s baby, the exterminator that I slept with twice because of the loneliness I felt from losing Jaylin.
I had gone to Denver just so I could get away from my Jaylin drama, but I wound up bringing more drama to myself. When the condom tore, I was deeply concerned. I hadn’t even enjoyed my time with Rick, and my feelings were not there. It was simply something to do to pass my time away, to minimize my hurt.
I couldn’t believe this saga for nothing in the world. Somebody or something didn’t want us happy together. The thought of being pregnant by Rick did cross my mind, but as much as Jaylin and I had sex, I was almost positive the baby was his.
Unable to come out of my trance, I sat in the room alone and tried to figure out my next move. Jaylin had come clean about his situation with Daisha, and as angry as I still was about what had happened, I now had an even bigger fish to fry. There was no way in hell he would understand my situation. I couldn’t let him go on thinking this child was his, but I didn’t know where to begin with telling him the truth.
After I put on my clothes, I went into the waiting area to find Jaylin. He wasn’t there, so I went outside. He was in his car, talking on his cell phone. He smiled as I walked toward him, and I knew he couldn’t wait to hear about the baby. When I entered the car, he ended his call and pecked my lips again.
“So, do we have ourselves a girl or a boy?” he asked.
I put on the fakest grin ever. “We have a healthy baby, and for now, that’s all I’m going to tell you.”
“I’m sure I’ll get it out of you. Did everything else check out okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. Dr. Birch wants me to eat a little bit more, that’s all.”
“Well, I’m taking you to dinner tonight. Stop worrying so much about your weight, baby. You look spectacular.”
“Thanks.” I leaned over and kissed him again. “I needed to hear that.”
“Why? I always tell you how beautiful you are, don’t I?”
“Yeah, you do. I just don’t know if my being beautiful is going to . . . never mind.”
“Hey, what’s in the past, let it stay in the past. After today, I don’t want to talk about anything that’s happened before. You understand?”
I nodded.
The ride back to the house was quiet. I told Jaylin I wasn’t feeling up to dinner that night, and Nanny B, LJ, Mackenzie, Jaylin and I watched Madea’s Class Reunion in the theater room downstairs. I could barely concentrate on the movie because I knew time wasn’t on my side. Jaylin had to be told the truth, and delaying the news wasn’t going to help either of us one bit.
Things between my new man, Collins, and I were off the hook. I felt as if I were over Jaylin, after years and years of loving him more than life itself. Because of our son, LJ, our relationship had become one of the friendliest, respectful, and most considerate relationships. Had I known we could get along this well, I would’ve suggested us breaking up a long time ago.
Jaylin confided in me a lot, and I did the same with him. I’d finally met Collins’ ex-wife a few weeks ago, and nervous about meeting her, I called Jaylin to address my concerns. He told me I didn’t have anything to worry about, and gave me the confidence I sometimes didn’t have when it came to other women. Jaylin stressed how beautiful I was and talked about my inner beauty as well. We both laughed when he made me a bet that Collins’ ex was ugly, and when I saw her, I laughed because he was right. She wasn’t anywhere near as attractive as I was, but I knew Collins was attracted to her because of her intelligence and her body—for those were the only things she seemed to have going on.
As for Jaylin and Scorpio, I knew sooner or later something was bound to happen. He called the other day and told me things weren’t working out too well for them. When I asked what had happened, he insisted we’d discuss it when I picked up LJ from his house on Friday.
When Friday rolled around, I hurried to Jaylin’s house from work so I could make it to Collins’ place by seven. He promised LJ and me a home-cooked meal, so I didn’t want to miss out.
I was quite surprised to see Scorpio open the door, when Jaylin clearly said things weren’t working out between them. However, I knew she always had a way of smoothing him over, and he the same.
“Hi, Nokea.”
I stepped inside. “Hello, Scorpio. Is Jaylin here?”
“No. Him and Stephon went somewhere. He said they’d be back soon, though.”
“Oh, okay. If you don’t mind, I’ll wait for him in his office.”
“That’s fine with me. LJ’s upstairs taking a nap. If I would’ve known you were coming this soon, I would’ve had him ready to go.”
I looked at Scorpio’s finger and immediately noticed the blinging ring wasn’t there. “I’ll go upstairs to get LJ,” I said. “But can I talk to you for a few minutes?”
Scorpio turned on the lights in Jaylin’s office and we went inside. We sat face to face on the circular leather sofa.
“I don’t mean to pry, but when I talked to Jaylin he said you guys were having some problems. I know it’s not my business, but I couldn’t help but notice your ring is gone.”
Scorpio sat back, folded her arms, and crossed her legs. “Nokea, I really don’t feel comfortable talking to you about my relationship with Jaylin. And our problems ain’t nothing we can’t work out. For Jaylin to tell you anything other than that, he was out of line.”
Her attitude was funky, but I didn’t take it personally. “Maybe so, but you do understand how close we’ve always been. Again, I’m not trying to interfere, I’m just a bit concerned about him, that’s all.”
“Don’t be. He’s a grown man, and I’m sure you know he doesn’t have a problem taking care of himself.”
“No, he doesn’t. He’s still the father of my child, and I care deeply for him.”
“Oh, I understand. And if your question is did our one-day breakup have anything to do with him cheating on me, yes, it did. I’m sure you know better than anybody that Jaylin has a serious problem keeping Monster Dick in his pants.”
“That was definitely too much information, but I know better than anybody how that is. I really thought he would settle down, but I . . . I’m sorry to hear he hasn’t. Was it with that, uh, Daisha chick?”
“So you knew about Daisha?”
I shrugged it off, not knowing much. “He briefly mentioned her before. I also heard him talking to her one day in his office.”
“Then you know she’s pregnant?”
I uncrossed my legs. My mouth hung wide open. “By who? Him?”
Scorpio nodded. “Yes. And just in case he didn’t tell you, so am I.”
My mouth got wider. “You have got to be kidding me. Scorpio, I can’t believe what you’re telling me.”
“It’s called the truth. So you can pretty much understand what I’m dealing with. I love Jaylin, but this is so much more than I can swallow.”
“I’m sure it is. I’m stunned by this. He hasn’t said one word to me about this.”
Scorpio and I continued our conversation. I couldn’t believe how disturbed I was by Scorpio’s breaking news. LJ wasn’t even two years old yet, and Jaylin was already running around St. Louis making more babies.
When Scorpio and I heard him and Stephon coming through the front door, I called his name and they walked into his office. He was looking fine, as fine could get. Body was tan
ned, gray eyes were glowing, curly hair was freshly cut, and goatee was fitting his chin well. As for Stephon, who followed closely behind, he looked just as spectacular. Head was cleanly shaven with a shine, his body was looking downright workable, and his goatee was doing him justice as well. Just for a moment, I reminisced about being with both of them in the past, and as hard as it was, I quickly got my mind out of the gutter.
“Shortay!” Stephon yelled, then walked over to give me a hug.
“Hey, Stephon,” I said, hugging him back. “What’s up, honey?”
“Honey?” Jaylin said.
“Yeah, nigga, honey. You got a problem with that?” Stephon joked.
“Naw, I’m a li’l upset ’cause I ain’t been nobody’s honey in quite some time. Ain’t that right, baby?” he said, looking in Scorpio’s direction.
“You’re always my honey. You just need to learn how to be sweeter to me, that’s all.”
“If I get any sweeter, everybody gonna be thinking I’m gay or something. And we for damn sure know how much I love me some pussy.”
Stephon and Jaylin laughed and gave each other five. Scorpio and I found no humor in his comment.
“So, honeydew,” I said, looking at Jaylin, “where have you two players been?”
“Players?” Jaylin said, pointing to himself. “Now, that’s kind of cold, Nokea. Do I look like a man who likes to play?”
Scorpio cleared her throat. “Don’t put yourself out there like that, baby. I’m gonna leave now before I start running off at the mouth like you’ve apparently been doing lately.”
As she walked out, Jaylin smacked Scorpio’s ass, lifting her long shirt up in the back so Stephon could see her butt. She quickly pulled her shirt down and punched Jaylin in his chest.
“That’s a bad booty right there, man,” he said, laughing.
“Don’t ever do that again!” she yelled. “Don’t you have any fucking respect for me?”
“Damn, why you tripping? I was just playing.”
“I don’t like to be played with like that!”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again.” He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. She snatched it away and walked out.