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Furious, because I worked harder than anybody in this whole place did, I stood up and went to my desk to get his calendar. I walked back into his office and tossed it on his desk.
“Communication is the key, mister,” I said sharply. “How do you expect me to have things right for you and you barely even say hello when you come through the door? I’m not a mind reader, Jonathan, and I’m not going to allow you to dump on me because you got problems.”
“All right, calm down,” he said, knowing I was upset. “I don’t need you getting all emotional and loud up in here so close the door.”
I closed the door and gave Jonathan a quick grin before I sat in the chair, just to let him know that everything was all good between us.
“Go ahead and smile,” he said, smiling at me with his to-die-for smile.
“I am going to smile, but don’t be hurting my feelings like that anymore.”
“I’ll do my best not to, but you really need to stop all that gossiping out there, woman. What in the hell do y’all be talking about that early in the morning anyway?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Well, I had an amazing sexual experience over the weekend and I couldn’t wait to come to work and tell Audrey and Jackie about it. Audrey had oral sex for the first time and Jackie—”
Jonathan’s brows rose, and he put up his hand to stop me. “All right, I got your point. But can’t y’all talk about that stuff during lunch?”
“When I’ve had something that good, I usually don’t like to wait on telling my girls about it. Ask Dana. She knew about the size of his package, two seconds after my date left.”
“Come on now, Sylvia. Don’t be telling my wife about another man’s thang. That’s kind of disrespectful, isn’t it?”
“Nope. What’s disrespectful is what she be telling me about you.” I stood up because by the look on Jonathan’s face, I was sure he wanted details.
“Where are you going?” he asked, smiling again. “We haven’t finished our conversation yet.”
“Yes, we have.” I grinned and walked over by the coffee machine to pour his coffee. “And if you think I’m going to tell you what she said about you, you’re sadly mistaken.”
I bent over to pick up a paper cup I’d dropped on the floor. I knew Jonathan’s eyes were glued to my curvy hips and apple-bottom booty because it was hard for any man not to notice. He got up and came over by me. He leaned against the counter and folded his arms.
“So, you’re really not going to tell me what she said?”
I handed him the coffee mug. “Nope. Dana is my girl, and if I want to keep hearing about y’all’s juicy sex life, I’d better keep my mouth shut.”
“Juicy, huh?” He took a sip of his coffee. “On that note, I’m not going to put you on the spot, but, uh, do you have any clue where I’m supposed to meet Britney for lunch today?”
“Yes, Jonathan,” I said, walking over to his desk and picking up his calendar. “If you would look at this darn thing, you’re meeting her at Applebee’s on Clayton Road around eleven-thirty.”
“Thanks, Sylvia. Now get out of my office so I can get some work done today. And close my door behind you.”
I put Jonathan’s calendar back on his desk and smiled at him on my way out. Before I closed the door, he stopped me.
“Hey, Sylvia.”
“What’s up?”
“Aside from the juicy sex . . . is Dana at least happy?”
I nodded. “Yeah, she is. I know sometimes it doesn’t seem like it, but really, she is.”
He grinned and I closed the door.
I walked over to my desk and plopped down in my chair. I thought hard about Dana. Honestly, I really wasn’t sure if she was happy. And Jonathan, it seemed as if he lived for her happiness. According to him, it was all about her and that was what frustrated me more than anything.
I was typing up a thank-you letter for Jonathan when Audrey and Jackie were heading my way. Thinking about what Jonathan said earlier, I tried to keep our conversation short. But when Jackie gave me the scoop about Lewis screwing around with this new chick in accounting, I couldn’t help myself.
“Girl, quit lying,” I whispered to Jackie. “He was just with a friend of mine last weekend.”
“Sylvia, who is this friend of yours?” Jackie asked. “He’s been with her for a while hasn’t he?”
“I told you her name is Nora,” I said, lying. “She works at the post office with my sister. And yes, they’ve been together for some time now.”
“And you’ve told her about Lewis and his other women?” Audrey asked.
“Yes, I have, but she’s trifling like that. She’s got herself about four or five different men anyway.”
“So sad,” Audrey said, shaking her head.
We all looked and saw Lewis coming our way with the mail cart. Audrey and Jackie stood there lusting for his ass. Disgusted, because I knew what time it was, I rolled my eyes and told them to get away from me. They flirted with Lewis, and he had the nerve to rub hands with Jackie. She whispered something in his ear and he laughed out loud, and then headed my way with the mail.
I tapped my fingernails on the desk and waited for him to give the mail to me as he fumbled through it. “Isn’t it your job to have the mail ready before you bring it to me?” I asked with attitude.
He ignored me, and then placed the mail in the mail trays on my desk. “There you go, Miss Lady. And I’ll be up again around three this afternoon with the rest of it. Naw, I take that back,” he said, looking up as if he were in deep thought. “I’ll probably be fucking your friend around that time so I’ll ask Jeff to bring the mail to you.”
I shooed him away. “Lewis, get away from my desk. I hope your dick run away from you one day, then what are you gonna do? Who or what are you going to get to provide for you then?”
“Don’t be so angry, baby. In due time, you’ll get some of this. Just be patient, all right?”
“Nigga, get your—”
I paused when Jonathan opened the door and walked out with his briefcase in his hand. He closed the door behind him and stood in front of my desk, next to Lewis.
“Hey, man,” he said, shaking Lewis’s hand. “How’s everything in the mailroom going?”
“Just fine, Mr. Taylor,” Lewis said with a fake-ass smile. “Couldn’t be better.”
“Well, that’s good. But we need to talk about how we can get you out of the mailroom and into a better position.”
“Hey, that sounds like a great idea to me. I mean, I’m digging the mailroom, but it sure would be nice to have one of these offices, Mr. T.”
“One day at a time, Lewis. But, uh, why don’t you make an appointment with Sylvia to come by and talk to me. I’d like to know a little bit more about your experience and we can go from there.”
“Will do, sir, and thanks.”
“Anytime,” Jonathan said, patting him on the back. Jonathan put his briefcase on my desk and looked at me. “I’m meeting Britney for lunch, then I have to go to court for the Dickerson case. If I’m not back by five, lock my door. I have a long night ahead of me so I don’t expect for you to stay.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I’ll at least stay until six,” I said. “If you’re not back by then, then I’ll leave.”
“Five o’clock is fine, Sylvia. Thanks, but I don’t want to keep tying up your nights.”
“Take your time. If you’re not back by six, I promise you I’ll leave. Anyway, I need to catch up on my filing.”
He removed his briefcase from my desk. “Woman, I don’t know what I’d do without you. If Dana calls, tell her she can reach me by cell phone.”
“Will do,” I said, watching as Jonathan walked off.
Lewis stood there looking at me like he wanted something.
“Can I help you?” I asked in a nasty tone.
“Yes, you can. Mr. T told
me to make an appointment to see him.”
“And I’m telling you that Mr. Taylor’s appointment book is full. Stop by sometime next year; he might have an opening then.”
Lewis snickered, leaned down, and put his face in front of mine. He then licked his lips. “Umm, I can taste you now. If you’d like, we can go ahead and get this over with tonight. That way I can stop by tomorrow and you’ll figure out a way to pencil me in.”
Before I knew it, I placed my hand on Lewis’s face and pushed it back. “Lewis, I’m warning you. Gone now, before you get your feelings hurt.”
When Lewis saw his supervisor coming, he backed off. He told me to have a good day and went on about his business. Steaming, I grabbed the phone to call Dana and curse her out again for even messing with somebody so foolish. When she defended him and said that “he just be playing” I hung up on her.
I spent the next several hours getting things organized for Jonathan. His files were in order, his calendar had been printed off for the next couple of weeks, all of his letters had been typed, and even his office was spotless. Since I didn’t have anything else to do for the night, I stayed until he got there, which wasn’t until almost seven o’clock. He was surprised to see me, and the look of tiredness was written all over his face.
“What are you still doing here?” he asked then loosened his tie. He sat in a chair next to mine.
“Hey, I do not want to hear your mouth tomorrow morning so I’m handling my business tonight.”
He laughed. “Well good, and it’s about time.” He closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair.
I couldn’t help myself from being so attracted to him. I wanted to take off his clothes, massage his body down, rub his black wavy hair, and help him release some of the tension I knew he was feeling. As my mind floated into the gutter, he opened his eyes and stood up.
“Did Dana call?” he asked.
“Yeah, she called about an hour ago. She said you didn’t answer your cell phone so . . .”
“I was in court,” he said, walking into his office. I stood up and followed him.
“Listen, I’m getting ready to take off. Before I go, do you need anything?”
“Naw, I’m cool. And thanks for cleaning up my office. It looks really nice in here.”
“You know I got your back, Mr. Boss Man. Have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Be careful, Sylvia,” he said, reaching for his phone.
I shut down my computer, grabbed my purse, and jetted. As I waited for the elevator, when it opened, Dana got off with a long trench coat on, some high-heeled shoes, and she had a picnic basket in her hand. I already knew what time it was, and I stood there shaking my head.
“Girl, you really need to stop,” I said.
“Stop what, Sylvia?” She smiled.
“Didn’t you already serve up Lewis today?”
“If you must know, I cancelled. Okay?”
“Dana, please. If anybody cancelled it was him.”
“So, wha . . . what difference does it make? My husband is here, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. He’s in his office on the phone. He’s had a long day and he looks awfully tired.”
“Well, we’ll just have to see about that,” she said, walking off. “I’ll call you later. If not later, I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Dana,” I said, pushing the down button on the elevator again.
I was in my car in the parking garage, thinking about how I was losing respect for my friend. Not only that, but I was seriously falling for her husband. She didn’t deserve to have him, and I was the only person who could see that. If he didn’t even suspect she was up to no good he was blind. A huge part of me wanted to tell him, but I couldn’t. If I the least bit interfered, I knew I would lose the both of them and that was something I wasn’t prepared to do.
When Dana came in, I was at my desk massaging my temples and thinking about Britney walking out on me at lunch today. Dana, being as seductive as she was, sat on my desk and opened her coat. I took a look at her naked body, and feeling the way I was, I couldn’t even get excited. I closed her coat and tightened the belt around it. Then I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head against her chest.
“Not right now, baby, all right?” I said, feeling drained.
She rubbed my head. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Britney.”
Dana released a deep sigh. “What now? Is this still about her going to summer school?”
“She isn’t even going to summer school. When I asked why, she said that she had plans to go to Florida this summer and summer school would interfere.”
“Duh, but the last time I checked, she was going to fail the tenth grade if she didn’t go.”
“I know, Dana, but I’ll call Beverly tomorrow to find out what’s going on.”
Dana moved my head and slid off my desk. She folded her arms, while she looked out of the window. “I really think you should call Beverly tonight. If not, this mess is going to linger on for another day, and personally, I’m getting kind of tired of seeing you so down because of Britney.”
“She’s my daughter, Dana. I can’t help for feeling the way I do. If anything, you know I want things to be right.”
Dana turned to face me. “Baby, but that’s what you want. Britney plays mind games all the time and she knows how to work on you. I wish you’d wake up and put her in her place for one time in your life.”
“Yeah, there are a lot of things I need to wake up to.” I stood up and put on my jacket. “I just don’t have time to deal with them right now.”
“A lot of things like what?” Dana asked. She walked up to me and put my arms around her.
“A lot of things like where were you this past weekend? Sylvia told me she had company and you told me that you were with Sylvia until two o’clock in the morning.”
“Well, honey, Sylvia lied to you. We had dinner, after that we went to a bar for a drink, then to the casino. As for her having company, maybe she did have company later that night.”
“Maybe so,” I said, taking my arms from around her. “But she never mentioned being with you.”
Dana stood with her mouth wide open. “Jonathan, I don’t know where all of this is coming from, but are you saying that you don’t believe me?”
“All I’m saying is I’m not a fool, Dana. Some shit with you hasn’t been adding up lately. Actually, it hasn’t been adding up for quite some time.”
“Fine,” she hissed, and then walked toward the door. “Thanks a lot for trusting me, and if you’re that insecure about our marriage then end it.” She grabbed the picnic basket off my desk and left.
Never going after her when she was angry, I sat on the edge of my desk and rubbed my chin. Maybe I was being too hard on her, but I couldn’t control these feelings I had inside of me about her not being honest. When I thought about it more, maybe it was the pressure I was feeling from Britney’s rejection and from working so many hours at work. My mind was on overload, but I, at least, was glad I had a hard worker like Sylvia to help pick up some of the slack.
Trying to give Dana time to cool off, I stayed at the office until midnight. Sylvia took care of the tedious tasks for me, but there were still plenty of things left for me to do. Since tomorrow was Secretary’s Day, I made myself a note to order her some flowers.
On the drive home, I called home to see if Dana was still awake. When she didn’t answer, I figured she must have fallen asleep. Thinking deeply about her, as I drove to our beautiful home in Lake St. Louis, I pulled my Lexus into the garage next to her Jaguar and rushed into the house. I stopped in the kitchen to see if Dana had cooked anything. I noticed she hadn’t, so I grabbed a bagel and put it in my mouth. As I walked through the living room eating it, I saw her lying on the couch sound asleep. An empty bottle of Chardonnay was next to her on the floor and magazines were spread out on the table. After I finished my bagel, I picke
d up the bottle and put it on the table. Then I kneeled down in front of her. I moved her sandy-brown long hair away from her face and kissed her cheek. She opened her pretty hazel-green eyes and stared at me. When a tear slipped from the corner of her eye, I wiped it and held her face in my hand.
“I’m sorry for not trusting you,” I said. “I didn’t mean to come off like I did, but please understand what I’m going through.”
She nodded and pulled me in close to kiss her. I removed my jacket and stood up to take off my pants. Anxious to feel me, she helped me remove them, and then she unbuttoned my shirt. After she took off her silk nightie, our naked bodies hit the plush carpet. I closed my eyes, knowing that my wife never had a problem with satisfying me. She licked her tongue up and down my chest, sucked my nipples and swallowed every inch of my dick into her mouth. Always in control, she straddled me backward and pounded down hard on me as I had the pleasure of watching her pretty ass work me so well. When she leaned forward, I massaged her ass cheeks apart and watched my goodness break into her pussy that was locked on me. At that moment, I felt as if I didn’t have a worry in the world. I turned Dana sideways and stretched one of her legs high upon my broad shoulders. Before going inside again, I tickled her insides and sucked her healthy breasts in my mouth. Wanting me, she inserted me, and rolled my jewels around in her warm hands. I was on cloud nine, as we fucked our way into the bedroom and finished up beside the bed. Dana lay flat on her stomach with her legs spread wide apart. Exhausted, I lay in between them. I moved her hair away from her neck and kissed it.
“Umm,” she moaned. “I was waiting a long time for that.”
“I know. I could tell by how gushy and wet you felt,” I said, giving her ass a smack then stood up.
She rolled over. “Where are you going?”
“To take a shower tonight, so I don’t have to do it in the morning. I need to get up early for work.”