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Page 6

  “Sometimes,” he said, “I forget how sexy you really are.”

  I felt the same way about him, but didn’t say a word. Cedric rubbed his fingers against my walls then he pushed his fingers further inside, causing me to tighten my eyes and suck in a heap of air. I was on fire as he rotated his fingers inside of me, and my creamy fluids trickled between the crack of my ass. Seconds later, Cedric replaced his finger with his steel. It had been a while since we indulged ourselves, so I jerked slightly backward from the feel of his pleasing muscle.

  “Don’t act like you can’t handle this,” he said. “You’ve had it in your possession for years. You already know what to do with it.”

  Darn right I did. And once I got comfortable, I spread my legs wider, gripped his tight butt, and grinded my hips in circles. My glaze covered Cedric’s entire shaft, and I toyed with my own clit while he watched. His eyes were filled with lust, and his deep strokes slowed as he attempted to calm his heartbeat and catch his breath.

  “I—I don’t know what to say about you, Kay. Other than you doing it, baby, you straight-up got that pussy doing the damn thing.”

  He didn’t have to tell me, because I already knew it. I purposely stepped up my game. I wanted to let Cedric know that there was no reason for him to seek sexual pleasure elsewhere, especially when I was capable of providing him with all of the loving he needed. But I wasn’t the only one at the top of my game. So was he. He had lifted me up from the bed and held me in his arms. My legs were secured around Cedric’s waist as he backed me up to the wall and slammed his dick into me. I was going crazy as our naked bodies slapped together. My backside was being banged against the wall and when a picture fell, we both ignored it. I focused on the way he sucked my breasts and squeezed them. The way he grinded inside of me, milking my pussy for all that it could give to him. I wanted to give him more, but the dick was so good that my body weakened in his arms. My legs trembled and my fists pounded into the wall as I neared another orgasm.

  “Give it to me, baby,” Cedric said while lifting me to his broad shoulders. I held on tight and sprayed his lips with juices. He cleaned me up, but we were back at it again.

  This time, I was bent over a chair, trying to catch my breath. We were still going at it when Jacoby came home. He knocked on the bedroom door to let us know he had made it in. I hoped that he didn’t hear me screaming at the top of my lungs for Cedric to “fuck me harder,” but I couldn’t control the excitement my husband brought to the bedroom. This was long overdue. We had exhausted ourselves and Cedric wound up falling asleep with his dick resting comfortably inside of me.

  The next day, I drove to Trina’s apartment to see her. She seemed kind of quiet during dinner on Sunday, and she was known for always being the one who kept the conversation flowing. She also whispered to me that she needed to borrow some money, but I forgot to follow up with her. My mind was on other things that night, and they were also on what Cedric had said about her. He couldn’t have been more wrong. If Trina was gay, I was born a dog.

  I arrived at her apartment around noon. Trina did most of her art projects from her extra bedroom that she had turned into a studio. Her apartment was rather small, but she had given the place new life with colorful pictures and furniture. I knocked on the door. A few minutes later she opened it. She looked surprised to see me and she had a paintbrush in her hand. Her sweatpants had paint blotches on them and the tank shirt she wore revealed her toned arms. A scarf was wrapped around her hair, keeping it intact.

  “What’s been up with you and Evelyn’s pop-up visits? First her, now you.”

  She widened the door to let me in. I could tell her comment was playful because she and Evelyn always showed up at my house unannounced too.

  “I see you’re busy painting and everything, but I stopped by because I wanted to find out what was going on with you. You also mentioned that you needed some money. How much?”

  Trina closed the door and invited me into her living room to sit. “I’m doing okay. I just wish I didn’t have to bother you about money all the time, but you know I don’t have anywhere else to turn.”

  “I know and trust me when I say it’s no bother. If the shoe were on the other foot, I know you’d do the same thing for me. Now, how much do you need?”

  “Just a couple hundred dollars.”

  I removed my checkbook from my purse and wrote Trina a check for three hundred dollars. She smiled when I handed it over to her.

  “Thank you. Now is there anything that I can do for you? You never ask me or Evelyn for anything. I want you to know that we’re here for you as well.”

  “I get that, and all I need sometimes is somebody to talk to. I had some concerns with Cedric, but the two of us worked it out last night. I’m feeling much better now. I have a feeling that my marriage is back on track.”

  “That’s good to know. After all that appeared to be going on with him and Jacoby, I thought Cedric found out about your little secret. He still doesn’t know, does he?”

  Hearing Trina speak of my secret caused my heart to drop to my stomach. This was something we weren’t supposed to talk about. It was one of those things that needed to stay in the past.

  “No, he doesn’t know and he will never know that Jacoby isn’t his son. They’ve had some issues lately that I expect them to work out real soon.”

  “I hope they do. You know, I always said your decision not to tell them the truth would come back and bite you in the butt one day. I hope I’m wrong.”

  Thinking about it was starting to give me a headache. I hurried to change the subject, and thought about what Cedric said to me about Trina last night.

  “I know you’re wrong, but anyway, can I tell you what Cedric had the audacity to say to me last night? It nearly floored me and I couldn’t stop laughing.”

  “What? What did he say?”

  “He said that he thought you were gay. His reason was because you never pay him any attention, and he said that you never show a connection with the men you bring around us. Now, tell me how full of himself my husband really is.”

  Trina shook her head and laughed. “Very much so full of himself. I don’t see how you put up with his arrogant self, and for him to think such a thing is crazy. I am strictly dickly. There isn’t anything that a woman can do for me. Period.”

  We high-fived each other and laughed again.

  “I do think your husband is extremely fine, but I’m not the kind of person who will fall all out over a nice-looking man. I think that Cedric’s ugly ways are what makes me not compliment his fineness, yet he may be onto something when he mentioned my connection with men. I tend to choose the wrong men. JaQuan and I had a disagreement before we got to your house, so we weren’t speaking to each other that much. I’m not sure if I’m going to keep seeing him, and when I go into the studio tomorrow, I may call it off with him. I don’t like how aggressive he is. When we have sex, he doesn’t put enough into pleasing me.”

  “Yes, that’s something that is very important, so I do know where you’re coming from. I’m delighted that my arrogant and full-of-himself husband knows what he’s doing in the bedroom. That’s definitely a plus. Pertaining to the gay thing, I hope I didn’t offend you. But in my opinion, I think two women sexing each other is so nasty. How can a woman give another sexual pleasure? I try not to judge people who get down like that, and I felt insulted when he spoke about you in that manner.”

  “I’m not offended at all. I think gays are pretty darn disgusting too. But what other people do in the privacy of their own homes is not any of my business. If they like it, I love it.”

  “Well, I don’t like it or love it. But you’re right. It has nothing to do with me.”

  Trina called me crazy and we continued to share good conversation. What I’d said didn’t appear to bother her, but my friends were known for going back on things and calling you out on it later. I wasn’t sure if Trina would throw this back at me later, but I was positive that somewhere down th
e road she would tell me that I hurt her feelings.

  I left Trina’s house around three o’clock. I wanted to get home to cook for Jacoby and Cedric, but when I got in the car I sat for a while, thinking. When Cedric and I were in college, I wanted to be with him so badly that I stopped taking my pills and did my best to get pregnant. But while I was seeing him, I had also been seeing someone else. His name was Arnez, but I didn’t have feelings for him like I had for Cedric. Cedric had a good head on his shoulders, and I suspected that he would do right by his child and take good care of him. Arnez was a thug. He dropped out of college, had several other baby mamas and he started doing drugs. I knew Jacoby was his son, but I told Cedric the child was his. I stuck to my lie and the only people who knew the truth were Trina, Evelyn, and Arnez. They promised me that they would take my secret to their graves with them. I prayed that they would.

  Chapter Six


  As soon as the G-word left Kayla’s mouth, my stomach tightened and my palms started to sweat. I did my best not to have a reaction that would alarm her, and the only thing that I could do was laugh. After she left, though, I cried. Cried because I didn’t want to lie to her, but I had to. Why? Because, Kayla said it herself—being with another woman was nasty and she didn’t understand how a woman could find sexual pleasure with another. She didn’t get how we could love one another, so therefore, it would be a cold day in hell before I ever told anyone the truth.

  Since I knew Cedric was suspicious, I had to do something to change his mind. That opportunity presented itself a few days later as I was sitting at a restaurant in the Central West End with the pastor’s wife, Cynthia. Cedric walked in, but I hurried to shift my head in another direction.

  “Who is that?” Cynthia asked. “You act as if you know him and don’t want to be seen.”

  I had slumped down in my chair, but I wasn’t sure if it had done me any good. Cedric kept looking around, but then he walked over to a table to join another woman. She wasn’t all that great-looking and she definitely didn’t have anything on my friend. I guess it could have been a business lunch, but there was too much smiling going on between them.

  “Are you going to pay attention to what I said or are you going to focus on him?” Cynthia asked with snap in her voice.

  “I heard everything you said, Cynthia. Just so you know, that’s my friend’s husband. I’m making sure everything is good, okay?”

  “Oh, I see.”

  Cynthia turned in her seat to get a glimpse of the seemingly happy couple. I wanted to get the hell out of there, but if Cedric was going to be all up in my business, I had no problem getting in his.

  “You said that you wanted to end things between us,” I said to Cynthia. “Now you’re singing a new tune. All I question is why?”

  “Because I’ve been missing you, that’s why. I’m having a difficult time moving on and I’m sure you can understand that, can’t you?”

  “I guess, but as long as you accept that I’m still involved with other people. You seemed a little irritated about me telling you that. I don’t know why, especially since you’re presenting yourself at church as being happily married.”

  “It’s all for show, Trina. I seriously hate that man. I wish he would roll over and die so I can collect the money from his insurance policy. If you only knew the horrible things my husband has done. Then for him to stand there every Sunday morning and act like everything is all good is ridiculous.”

  Cynthia had some nerve. She was fake as all get-out and for a first lady, she had the sharpest tongue I had ever witnessed. Her bluntness was a real turnoff for me, but since I was only interested in sexual pleasure, I dealt with the crap.

  “Pastor Clemons isn’t the only one pretending. You should take a look in the mirror. The bottom line is we all have our issues. None of us are perfect. Not even him.”

  “I get that, so don’t you start defending his actions. I hate speaking to you about him because you always act as if I’m the one in the wrong, not him. I say fuck him, and if you continue to take his side, fuck you too.”

  “Whatever, Cynthia. This isn’t about who is right or who is wrong. You need to realize your own mistakes and stop blaming him so much for all that is going on between the two of you.”

  “I’m not blaming—”

  Cynthia paused and looked behind me. When I turned my head, I saw Keith from work heading our way. He stood tall, was dark as midnight and handsome as ever. As always, his hair was cut into a sharply lined fade, and the artistic, colored tats on his muscular arms were what got my attention more than anything. I appreciated a creative man. I also admired one who sported a sexy goatee. With baggy jeans on, a leather belt holding them up, and a tank top that stretched across his ripped chest, I was so done with Cynthia. This conversation wasn’t getting us anywhere.

  Keith came up to the table. He was right on time. I introduced the two of them and invited Keith to join us, even though he said he was there waiting for his brother to show up. Cynthia was pissed. She stood up and snatched her purse off the table.

  “When you have time, we’ll talk further about what’s going on. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” She looked at Keith and shook his hand. “Nice meeting you, Keith. And, only if I wasn’t married.” Cynthia winked at him, laughed, and then walked away.

  Keith blushed, but didn’t say a word. I hated jealous women, and between Cynthia and Lexi I had my hands full. I enjoyed being with them, but they were both immature women who wanted to have our relationship their way or no way at all.

  “So, why haven’t you been to work?” Keith asked, turning the chair around, straddling it. “I haven’t seen you around in several days.”

  I had been trying to avoid JaQuan. Thankfully, he had given up on calling me. “I’ve been working from home. Been getting a lot done and I’m preparing for the art show at the end of the month.”

  “Yeah, I am too. Been working my ass off. I’m looking forward to selling a lot of paintings that weekend. I need to get rid of some of the work I have stuck up in my house and there is plenty of it.”

  “I feel you. I’m anxious to get rid of some of my paintings too.”

  Keith’s cell phone rang. He said it was his brother calling, so he answered. I looked over his shoulder at Cedric who was now clinking wineglasses with the lady. They were very talkative, but I was sure to get his attention, especially since Keith was now sitting with me.

  “It’s okay,” Keith said. “If you’re going to be that late, don’t worry about it. Right now, I’m sitting across the table from a beautiful woman whose company I’m enjoying.”

  I smiled and he paused to listen to his brother. After Keith ended the call, he told me his brother wasn’t going to make it.

  “That’s too bad,” I said then laughed. I laughed loud enough for Cedric to turn his head, but he didn’t.

  “No, actually it’s pretty good. After we get a quick bite to eat, maybe you’ll invite me to your place so I can check out some of your paintings. Or I can always take you to my crib for you to check out mine.”

  I was so excited to see Cedric look away and lift his finger to get the waiter’s attention. That was when I giggled and told Keith I would love for him to come to my place. Seduction was visible in my eyes, and from afar, I could finally see Cedric looking.

  “Then let’s hurry up and get this meal started,” Keith teased. “How hungry are you?”

  “Real hungry. So hungry that I think we should skip our meal and head out right now to my place.”

  Keith was all for it. He helped me finish the wine that Cynthia and I had been drinking and then we stood to go. I pretended to be tipsy. I giggled loudly again, and when I looked in Cedric’s direction his eyes were glued to me. I smiled at him and held Keith’s hand as I made my way over to the table where Cedric sat. He appeared uptight by my presence. I guess he figured I would call Kayla to tell her where he was. But friend or not, I didn’t get down like that. I did my best to stay out
of other people’s business, and it had to be something real serious in order for me to get involved.

  “I thought that was you over here, Cedric,” I said, nearly rubbing my body against Keith’s. “How are you?”

  “I’m good. And you?”

  “Fine. But . . . uh . . . this is Keith. Keith, this is my best friend’s husband, Cedric.”

  They shook hands, but Cedric didn’t dare introduce me to the woman sitting across the table from him with shock in her eyes. I didn’t know if the best friend’s husband announcement caught her off guard, or if jealousy had her eyes locked in that position.

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening,” Cedric said, trying to rush us off.

  I looked up at Keith, who towered over me. I winked and turned my attention to Cedric again. “You bet we will. You have a wonderful evening too. Tell my girl I said hello, and I’m looking forward to dinner again. This time, you all can come to my place. Maybe I’ll talk Keith into cooking something real delightful for everyone.”

  Cedric nodded. “Maybe so. Be sure to talk to her about it and let me know.”

  I started to check his ass for referring to his wife as her, but I left well enough alone. I had shown him that it was possible for me to make a connection with a man, and I was so sure that Cedric’s eyes were still on us as we left the restaurant, appearing real cozy. My only problem was: How I was going to get out of this? Yes, Keith was fine-slash-sexy as fuck, but I didn’t want to have sex with him. He was looking forward to something. I could tell by the glare in his eyes.

  We stood next to my car with no breathing room in between us. “I guess I’m following you, right?” he said.