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Page 8
Me, I’d had enough. I did my best to get Evelyn fired. I wanted her to feel some of the hurt I’d been feeling. She was out to destroy my parents, but I wanted to destroy her. This was just a start, and I assumed that her little situation at work would be dealt with real soon. I also wanted to get my father where it hurt, but I had to be careful with him. He was a smart man. He could always sense when something wasn’t right. For now, the least I could do was have a man-to-man conversation with him. Let him know how I was feeling about all of this shit and encourage him to knock it off before it was too late. If I couldn’t get through to him today, I wasn’t sure where I would turn.
I had a half day at school, so I drove by my father’s office to see if he was there. As I was looking for a parking spot, I spotted him leaving his office. He met up with a woman I had seen him with plenty of times before. The two of them shared brief words and a quick kiss before she got into my father’s car. Before getting inside, his eyes scanned the parking lot while he unbuttoned his suit jacket. He then hung it on a hook in the backseat and I saw him unbutton his cuffs so he could raise his sleeves. Afterward, he got in the car and sped off. I followed closely behind. I figured they were headed to their usual place, which was in a nearby parking garage where she often gave him a blow job. There were times when they’d had sex too. I had pictures to prove it, and hurtful or not, I would one day show my mother who the real liar was.
My father parked his car in a reserved spot that belonged to him. My car was parked several rows over, but I could see him pull out the newspaper, as if he were reading it. The woman next to him disappeared. To his lap she went and there appeared to be some maneuvering around going on. Once things got settled, I watched from afar. I tried to give the motherfucker time to bust his nut, but then I thought it would be best for me to interrupt him.
I cocked my hat on backwards and eased my hands in my jean pockets as I made my way up to his car. I figured he saw me in his rearview mirror, because the newspaper lowered and the woman with him jumped up from his lap. As I bent over, he lowered his window. I glared inside. My father appeared calm as ever, but the woman wiped her lips and kept looking at me with bugged eyes.
“Can I help you?” Cedric said.
“We need to talk?”
“Right now? Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“You’re always busy, but it’s either now or never. I prefer now because I have some shit that I need to get off my chest.”
Cedric unlocked the car. “Get inside. Make this quick, Jacoby. I need to get back to work.”
Work my ass. I sat on the backseat, behind him. I swear if I had a rope or something close to it, I would have used that opportunity to choke his ass. I was starting to hate him that much.
My father looked over at the woman sitting next to him. “Just in case you don’t know, that’s my son. His timing is way off, but I would be pleased if you wouldn’t mind finishing what you already started.”
The woman spoke to me then wiped her lips again. “Are you sure?” she said. “You . . . you want me to continue with your son in the car?”
He looked at me in the rearview mirror. “Why not? It ain’t like he ain’t never had his dick sucked before. I’m sure that he loves pussy just as much as I do. Right, son?”
I wanted to throw up. Whether I liked that shit or not, he didn’t even have to go there with this trick. Her stupid ass didn’t hesitate to drop back into his lap, and I kept thinking to myself what a fool she was.
My father pressed the back of his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. “What’s on your mind, Jacoby? Speak.”
I didn’t hesitate. “What’s on my mind is I want you to stop this. Don’t you know how much damage you’re doing to our family? And what about Mother? Why are you doing this to her? I mean, I don’t get it. If you don’t want to be with her, why don’t you just divorce her? That way, we can all get on with our lives and you can do whatever it is that you want to do.”
He opened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m doing what I want to do regardless. And to answer all of your questions, I’ll shoot one word to you and hope that you understand. Timing. Timing is everything. I’ll divorce your mother when I get ready to. As for right now, I’m not ready to make that move.”
The slurping sounds of the woman sucking his dick were very distracting. She lifted her head to reply to his comment. “I hope you’re ready soon. You told me that you—”
He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her hair tight. “Keep your fucking mouth shut and stay out of this conversation between me and my son. You can do so by focusing more on making me bust this nut, and just so you know, I’m nowhere near that yet. Ya feel me?”
She nodded and resumed sucking his dick. “That’s my girl,” he said while patting the back of her head. “Deeeeep. Go deep.”
I released a deep sigh and shook my head. We caught each other’s eyes in the rearview mirror and I could see the smirk on his face. He was definitely getting a kick out of this.
“Don’t look so disappointed, son. See, when you accrue all of the money that I have over the years, you’ll be able to do this kind of shit too. It’s called having power over the pussy. Women will flock to you and you’ll be able to get them to do whatever in the fuck you want them to do. They will love your dirty drawers and all they’ll want from time to time is a little cash and a hard, satisfying dick. That’s all your mother ever wanted from me, so don’t be upset with me if she got exactly what she asked for.” He paused and shut his eyes. “Umph. You on to something, baby. I likes that shit—damn it, girl, slow down!”
He started lifting himself from the seat, pumping the woman’s mouth that was full with his goods. He seemed so into it that I doubted he was paying me any attention. My fists were tightened. I swear that I wanted to knock him upside his head, just because. I wanted to scream and release all of this anger inside of me, but I figured that would do me no good. My father would never see things my way. He would never understand the damage behind his actions. I felt as if I had wasted my time, so I was ready to let him get back to “work.”
I shook the headrest to make him open his eyes. When he stared at the rearview mirror, I looked at him and spoke. “Ju—just think about what I’m saying to you. Enough is enough, and I’m losing so much respect for you. There was a time when you were real good to me, man, but you’ve been on my back and coming down on me, knowing damn well why I’m so angry with you. I can’t control my anger. All of this is upsetting to me, and I . . . I want my parents to love, honor, and respect each other. That’s all I want. If y’all can’t do that then walk away from each other. I don’t care who you’re with, not even with Evelyn. My mother deserves better than this. Deep down, I think you know that.”
He bit into his lip and squeezed his hands on the steering wheel. When the woman lifted her head, I turned mine to look out the window. I figured her mouth was filled with his semen, and I surely didn’t want to see it.
“Ahhhhh,” he said then sighed. “I—I’ve always been good to you, son, but unfortunately, there are a few things that you don’t understand right now. One day you will. When that day comes, you and I will be on the right path. I figured that you knew about me and Evelyn, but like all the rest, she don’t mean shit to me. If anybody deserves better, it’s me. I deserve better, and deep down, that’s the only truth that I know.”
I opened the car door and placed one foot on the ground. I then turned to the woman who appeared hurt by Cedric’s words, but kept her mouth shut.
“I guess we all need to wake up and know our self-worth,” I said, directing my comment to her. I then looked at the back of Cedric’s head. “Money or not, you shouldn’t treat people the way you do. And whatever it is that I need to understand, I wish someone would lay it on the line and tell me. As of right now, I don’t get it. You’re the worst fucking father on this earth and I wish that when your whole world come tumbling down, that I’ll have a front-row seat.”
r /> “Well, for now, yo’ ass is in the back. Thanks for the father-son talk, but I need to head back to the office. See you at home, son, and I wish you had more time. Time for my princess over here to give you some of that action that she just gave me. Maybe it’ll help to knock off that chip on your shoulder, and trust me when I say that every man needs a little relaxation from time to time.”
I didn’t have anything else to say. I slammed the car door, feeling as if I could kill him.
Chapter Nine
After Evelyn left the restaurant, Trina and I stayed for at least another thirty minutes or so. She was telling me about her experience with Keith and said that she was starting to feel something for him.
“I don’t know what it is,” she said. “He’s different. When he came over last night, we made love. I was in another world with him, and I appreciated how he took his time with me. I think he could be the one.”
“I’m glad to hear that, and I’ll be so glad when either you or Evelyn get married. Sometimes, I feel so out of place in this friendship. I’m always talking about me and my husband, feeling as if the two of you can’t relate. Aside from that, it’ll be good for you to settle down. I’m pleased that you haven’t given up on love.”
Trina smiled and ate a piece of the pecan pie she’d ordered. “So, what’s your take on Evelyn?” she asked. “She was so out of it today, wasn’t she?”
“Yes, she was. I could tell something was wrong with her, but I guess she didn’t want to say what it was. I’m going to stop by her place later to check on her. I’ll probably take her some soup and orange juice, just in case she needs it.”
“From the way she was looking she definitely needs it. I’m starting to worry about her a lot. I’m worried about you as well. I don’t mean to pry, but are you sure your marriage with Cedric is on the right track? There is something about him that I—”
“I know. Something about him that you don’t like. I get that, Trina, but Cedric is an awesome man and decent husband. He’s not perfect, but he’s trying to do better. I don’t say a lot to you and Evelyn about our situation because I don’t want y’all judging me. I don’t want you to despise him, either, and please know that I’m a big girl who is capable of dealing with the man I married. So, don’t worry about me. I already told you that things are starting to get better. He sent me a dozen beautiful roses earlier, and I have a feeling that tonight is going to be real special for us.”
Trina had a peculiar look on her face that I couldn’t read. I wasn’t sure why she was so worried about me, and I figured her opinion about Cedric had changed, especially after him saying that he believed she was gay. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to her.
As I was in thought, she reached over and placed her hand on top of mine. “As your friend, all I’m saying to you is: Know who to trust and who not to. Keep your eyes and ears open and pay attention to your surroundings. Listen to your gut and don’t allow love for anyone to destroy you.”
“I appreciate the advice and the same goes for you.” Trina finished her pie. Shortly thereafter, we went our separate ways. I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things for Evelyn. Then I went home to check on Jacoby. He was there doing his homework while watching TV.
“I’m on my way to Evelyn’s place,” I said, standing next to him in the kitchen. “Do you want anything to eat before I go?”
He shrugged with such a disappointed look on his face. “I’ll just throw a TV dinner in the microwave. And if you don’t mind, I’d like to take Adrianne to the movies tonight.”
“I don’t mind, but you know it’s a school night. Don’t stay out too late and be sure to take your time on your homework.”
“I will. And—uh—by the way, tell Evelyn I said hello.”
“I sure will. But I want you to perk up. Things aren’t that bad, are they?”
Jacoby stared at me for a few minutes and then he placed his hands behind his head. “Since we’re living in this fantasy world, I guess things aren’t bad at all. But what do you think?”
“I think I need to go see about my friend. Don’t forget what I said, and no matter how bad you may think things are, I will always love you.”
I started to walk away, but I turned around when I thought about Cedric. “Did your father speak to you about going on a business trip with him yet?”
“No. I don’t want to go on a dumb business trip with him, and he can forget about asking me that crap.”
I went back over to the table and touched Jacoby’s back. “Don’t be like that, Jacoby. Give your father a chance to make things right. He’s trying. He really wants to make peace with you. He can’t if you continue to have up a brick wall. So when he inquires about going places with him, at least think about it first.”
“I don’t have to think about anything because my answer will always be no. The peace that I get is when he’s away from here. That’s all the peace I need.”
I released a deep breath and swallowed the lump that felt stuck in my throat. Jacoby was being difficult when he didn’t have to be.
“You’re going to ruin your relationship with your father, and one day you’re going to regret it. For the sake of our family staying together and being happy, please reconsider and think hard about how you can improve your relationship with him. You are too stubborn, Jacoby. It’s time to let go of the bitterness you have inside and move on.”
Jacoby sucked his teeth and narrowed his eyes. “Move on? Really? If I am bitter, it’s because he made me this way. I’m not as forgiving as you are, Mother, and I don’t enjoy being around my father as much as you do. All he does is disrespect you when I go places with him. I don’t like how he looks at other women and—”
“Stop it right there, okay? A married man is allowed to look at other women, as long as he doesn’t touch. Hell, I look at other men, but it doesn’t mean that I love your father any less. You’re finding excuses as to why you don’t want to get your relationship with your father on the right track. That’s a shame, Jacoby. A darn shame and I’m real disappointed in you.”
I walked off, but halted my steps when Jacoby shouted at me.
“Disappointed in me! Well, guess what? I’m disappointed in you too. The question is when are you going to wake the fuck up? When are you going to see my father for who he really is? I don’t want to be around him, especially not when I have to go to so-called ‘business meetings’ with him and listen to him fucking other women in the next room. He’s been doing more than just looking. I have lost all respect for him, and I’m about to lose it for you too!”
I rushed up to Jacoby and slapped him across his face. “Lower your voice and don’t you ever speak to me that way! To hell with the movies. When you get done with your homework, go to your room and think about how you’re going to work on that bad attitude of yours.”
Jacoby got out of his chair and hurried past me. He went into his room, and not listening to a word I said, he ran out of the house and got into his car. I went after him, but couldn’t catch him. Mad as hell, I hurried back inside to call Cedric.
“Yes, Kay,” he said with a sigh, as if he were busy.
“I’m sorry to bother you, but Jacoby just ran out of here, upset. I tried to stop him, but I don’t know where he’s gone.”
“What is he upset for this time?”
“I asked if he would join you on the business trip you mentioned and he said that he didn’t want to go because your trips turn personal and women are involved. He then started yelling and cursing at me, so I slapped him. I don’t know what is happening. . . .” I paused to wipe my tears. I had never put my hands on my son, but his words to me were so hurtful.
“Calm down, all right? Jacoby needs some time to get his head straight. I assure you that he’ll be back soon. I keep telling you that he’s just at that age right now where he wants to be the boss and he doesn’t want to listen. I used to act the same way as a teenager, especially when things didn’t go how I
wanted them to. As for my business trips, he’s just bitter and he’ll say anything to upset you. Stop letting him get to you like that. The moment I get home tonight, I’ll have a talk with him. I promise you that things won’t get out of hand, and I’ll listen to whatever he has to say.”
I swallowed again and nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you when you get home. I’m glad we had a chance to talk. I feel better.”
Cedric laughed, only to make me laugh. “Good. Now can I get back to work?”
“Please do.”
After we ended our call, I wasn’t going to go over to Evelyn’s place, but since I had already bought her fruit, soup, and juices, I decided to go. It was a little after five o’clock. Since she got off work at four, I assumed she was at home. With a grocery bag in my hand, I punched in her code. Minutes later, she appeared on the screen, looking at me.
“Yes,” she said.
“Buzz me in. I have something for you.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t want it. I don’t feel up to company right now, so please go.”
I could tell Evelyn had been crying from the puffiness in her eyes. “I’m not leaving, so you may as well buzz me in. I want to know why you’re so upset, and stop shutting me out like this. Have you forgotten that I’m your best friend?”
Evelyn disappeared from the screen then she buzzed me in. The elevator opened and I took it up to her floor. When I got off, I could see that her door was cracked. I opened the door and saw her lying on the couch in skimpy boy shorts and a white wife-beater. Her nipples were poking through it and her hair was wildly scattered on her head. Beads of sweat dotted her body and her entire place felt like heat was delivered straight from hell. I put the bag on the counter and walked over to the thermostat.